Chapter 34 - Helpless

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Being Helpless. Fate at the hands of god.

That's when the real fear sets in.

In that moment. There's nothing you can do.

Your body is num, the brain doesn't work.

All you can do is watch as your life is torn away from you.

Like now.

His eyes were dark and gruesome, looking at me as though I was a bug who survived his boot. It made my skin crawl to see those eyes again, to see them full of such darkness... and at that moment, as his figure approached me and my ears deafened, my last grip of consciousness hung on to one anomaly in his eyes which displayed the smallest hint of recognition, of love. All of which became overruled by a misty cloud over his eyes before he raised his leg and knocked me out under his boot.


December 11th, 2013

"What's an article-cellorator?" He fumbled the words of the name trying to create conversation during our car ride.

I chuckled and corrected, "You mean particle accelerator right?"

"Yeah, that's it," he said absentmindedly while focusing on the road.

"Why do you want to know?" I wondered with a smile forming on my face.

His dark brown eyes briefly darted to me and he alluded, "I may or may have not heard you mention it before..." I shook my head playfully and my lips curled as I anticipated what he would say next.

He noticed my uncontrollable smile and he offered, "You wanna go see this thing?-"

"Yes!" I exclaimed bursting with excitement, not even letting a millisecond pass after he shot out the offer.

His eyebrows raised in surprise and I sat there beaming like a child who got to go to the fair. "Woah, Woah. What's so special about it anyway?"

Oh, he was in for a treat, "So basically it's this device that shoots particles into a-"

"Imma stop you right there," he chuckled and I rolled my eyes at his face of utter confusion already- I didn't even get to the good part!

"Too sciencey," he simply stated.

"How?!-" I cut myself short realizing there was no use in trying to explain, this had to have been my hundredth time trying, "Scratch that, you'll hopefully figure it out when THE Harrison Wells explains it."

"I don't know- the guy seems sketchy."

"The guy that's a nationally recognized scientist?" I asked sarcastically as we approached the now crowded streets approaching S.T.A.R. Labs.

He changed the subject, "Looks like there's a lot of people here."

"It's a colossal event that will influence the future forever," I quoted the line off of a paper I read the other day.

We had to backtrack to find a parking space, it seemed like most of the city was there. By the time we reached the main building, it was already turning dark and I could feel my anticipation rising.

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