Chapter 18 - I Need A Drink

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I was right.

I never heard the end of it.

All the way to S.T.A.R. labs she ranted about it and even when we got there she continued, it wasn't until a more interesting topic came up that she finally stopped. The British Blonde from the club's name was Amunet Black, she was a meta who could control a certain type of metal. She helped Caitlyn contain Killer Frost and in exchange, Caitlyn was her muscle. Eventually, Caitlyn wanted out and Amunet didn't want to go so now there's this big thing between them, I think they both want to kill each other.

"Look, what are Amunet's plans with the weeper?" Iris inquired. Was that his name? I tried thinking back to the people I saw on the bus. I scowled, why didn't I pay much attention to my surroundings? I would have if I knew that the bus was going to be hit with dark matter and turn everyone into meta-humans!

"Not my problem," Killer Frost commented.

"Look, he was on that bus. We helped create him. We need to save him." Iris stated.

"No, I need to leave and escape from Amunet," Frost corrected. "There's a reason CCDP has not caught her. And that you idiots just realized there's a major crime lord living under your noses for the past three years. She's too powerful, we can't stop her," She said leaving the room.

"Guy's we have a responsibility to The Weeper and to this city." Iris insisted.

"what do you suggest we do?" Cecille asked followed by a long silence. If we were going to fight her I would have to use my powers, and I didn't want to revile them yet. We needed more strength, I wasn't going to be much help with my abilities.

"What if I found the guys?" I suggested and all eyes centred on me.

"We don't need them-" Cecille started.

"What if you get caught?" I cut in. "If I come with you guys we don't have any back-up if something bad happens."

Cecille sighed, "Your right."

"We need a plan," Felicity added.

"We need to rescue him before Amunet does whatever she's planning, okay? Cecille, you need to gather information on Amunet. Felicity, you need to pull up the blueprint to the club. Willow, try and find back-up we'll send you our location once we arrive, if we're not out in 2 hours come and get us." Iris planned. "We got this, We're strong women."

"Yeah," Cecille agreed. "#Feminism."

"#Feminism" We cursed putting our hands in the middle.


I stood outside the run down building staring at the neon signs. Why in the world were they here?

The first place I checked was Joe's house because that's where they were supposed to be but they weren't. I found a note on the living room table and picked it up, it was from Joe. It said that Dibny knew a place they could go and that if they weren't here when we got back to not worry. Unfortunately, I had no clue where they were.

I got out my phone and called them again. No answer. So I called them again, and again, and again, and again, and again-

"Ms please stop calling," A ruff male voice answered finally.

"Sorry but I need to know where my friends are," I replied hastily praying he wouldn't hang up.

"Will you stop calling?"


He sighed, "The Golden Booty." Jesus Crist, they were at a strip club. "Now please stop calling, the guests are not allowed their phones in this establishment," He said and hung up. Yes! Finally a lead! I looked up the place and drove to the location.

End Of The Line // Ralph DibnyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang