Chapter 13 - Villains?

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We were all gathered in a room with a board split into 13 sections. Two of which had pictures of people taped to them, one face I recognized as Becky the other was bald man. I watched as Barry put Ralph's portrait in a square.

"Amazing what 50 milligrams of Lorazepam can do when you get it in aerosol form," Caitlyn said walking into the room with Iris.

"Is there anything you can do to put him back together?" I wondered. I miraculously felt bad for him. Most likely it was because I knew what he was going through.

"Please, my stomach can't take much more," Joe sighed.

"Mine either," Iris added.

"I think I could stabilize his cells if I had a sample of his DNA prior to when he was exposed to the dark matter on that bus," she informed.

"Why?" Barry cut in and I frowned, "so he can go start hurting people like our other friends here?" He accused motioning to the board. He didn't sound like the Barry I remembered. Yes, Ralph is misguided but he wasn't a bad guy.

"I think we should lock him up in the pipeline," he suggested and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"He hasn't done anything," Caitlyn defended.

"Yet," He added.

"Barry he's innocent," I reminded.

"He's far from innocent, Trust me. I know this guy, he's a bad guy," he said looking at the board. I was taken back by Barry's comments, what was wrong with him?

"I took an oath to help people." Caitlyn started, Barry picked up a marker and began writing a title for the chart. "I can't just leave him in there like spaghetti,"

"Villains?" I sneered staring at the word he wrote in shock.

"Yea-" Barry began.

"You can't just assume that everyone on that bus is a villain!" I yelled and started to walk up to Barry with a deadly look in my eyes but Iris held me back by my arm.

How dare he! I was on that bus and I for one did not see myself as a villain! We were unwillingly sucked into this life of having powers, and just because of that we were automatically villains!

"Why do you care so much Willow?" he asked, "Why do you care about Dibny?"

I was about to respond but no words came out. Why did I care about him? He had no positive effect on my life. But I remember when I first had these powers and when I had no control. When I would spend nights in my apartment asking the lord why he chose me. I knew exactly what Ralph Dibny was going through. The only difference is that he didn't have a choice to let people know of his abilities like I had.

"You can't assume everyone with powers is a villain, don't you have them too?" I answered coldly and walked back to stand next to Iris.

"Everyone on that bus is now 1000 times more dangerous than before, Dibny included," he argued ignoring my comment.

"What if he's changed?" Caitlyn suggested.

"People don't change," Barry answered. He needed to be put back in check by someone or I was going to do something I would regret.

"I did, when I became Killer Frost you still believed in me," She responded making a point.

"You're a good person, he's..." he started. "Not," he finished and I gave him a death stare.

"Barry how about you and I go back to Dibny's office to find a DNA sample for Caitlyn?" Iris asked breaking the heavy tension in the room.

"I'll come too," I added harshly. There might be something there i wanted to pick up.

End Of The Line // Ralph DibnyWhere stories live. Discover now