1- Love to Lay

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Skye's POV

"Same time on Friday?"

I nod my head.

I sit up in bed and cover myself with the sheets while lightly combing my hair fixing the mess it had ended up in. I watch as he does his belt and moves around the room collecting his things.

This had become my routine, more than I thought it ever would. See this was only meant to be a one time thing. A one night stand, a hookup, a fling; whatever you want to call it. But then by the sheer luck of coincidence, we run into each other again in a different club than the first and well, things progressed from there.

The second night was when the agreement was made. A proposition raised as he gathered his clothes much in the same way as he's doing it now. I can't exactly remember why we came up with idea of becoming friends with benefits but it was now one month later and we still regularly met up to have careless, non-committal fun.

"See you later then" He says not even fully paying attention as he types away on his phone.

I send him a soft goodbye as he walks out the door already knowing his way out without me having to show him. Sometimes I wish he would stay, just for that little bit longer. Sometimes I missed the comfort afterwards that I would get when I slept with other people, the kind just after you both fall into each others arms exhausted and out of breath to then spend some time just enjoying the closeness. Mitchel and I never did that. He always strained that from the start that this was going to be strictly physical and no emotions would ever be involved and so to eliminate any chance of that, we never lingered more than we needed to.

It was okay though because I remind myself that it isn't all bad. I didn't have to go through with the heartbreak that followed relationships or the strain of keeping one alive, people never stay in love forever and so what was the point in being in love at all?

My past had taken its toll on my trust and view of life. I would see happy couples out in public and before where I would swoon and hope that one day I would have a relationship like that, now I only see the negative, placing a mental timer above them on how long they would last.

I'd had a fair share of boyfriends; all who broke up with me. At first I pushed all the blame onto them and convinced myself that they were not worthy of me in the first place but then the more I thought about it, maybe it was me. Maybe I was the problem. I'm still not sure to this day but I don't care to test out the theory with anyone else, I don't think I could go through it all again. So for now, what I had with Mitchel was enough and it's not like it didn't have its perks, he was an attractive guy who also happened to have a cute Australian accent and play in a band, I could do a lot worse.

His band mates were cool too and while I only ever seen them in passing for a few minutes here or there, they always seemed nice. They all knew about Mitchel and I's little situation, it was hard not to when I often came face to face with one whenever I left Mitchel's room.

I hadn't been to his house since last week, he had been insisting we always do it at my apartment and I didn't mind; I lived alone and it provided no problems but it was still a little strange. I didn't question it though, the place didn't matter at all.

I let out a sigh as I check the clock reads 2pm and I know I have to start getting ready for work. It wasn't that work was awful, because it wasn't by any means. It was just boring. I worked at a small convenience store not far from where I resided and so it was super handy but there was hardly ever customers and I always spent my time sitting by the till counting the hours and minutes on the clock across from me for when I could leave.

I get in the shower and freshen up, my body still sweaty from before and I wash my hair also enjoying the hot water and the relaxation a nice shower can induce.

I quickly get changed and do some light make up before heading off to work. The sun was beating down, summers in California could be some of the most unbearable days I had but I tried to not complain, I'd rather have sun over rain.

I open the door and the chime of the bell resonates above my head as I walk to the back.

"Hey" I mutter to Ash who was currently sitting at the till presumably waiting on me so he can leave.

"Someone's early for once" He smirks as I dump my bags and belongings in the back room before joining him at the front.

"Just for you" I smirk back.

Ash was a good friend and he made shifts here bearable but alas, today it was just me and I wouldn't have the pleasure of his company.

"You're almost convincing me to stay" He replies standing up and leaning against the counter.

"Please do" I beg pouting my lips in the hope to convince him.

"Sorry kiddo" He says ruffling my hair "But I have a date to get ready for"

He jumps down and puts on his jacket that I don't know why he'd possibly need to wear in this weather.

"Another one?" I ask.

Ash always had dates to go on. He was a bit of a ladies man and it seemed he had a new girl of interest every week. I'll admit he was attractive but he wasn't my type; he was too generically pretty for my liking.

"You don't stop training for a race just because you're not in one" He replies smiling.

"That makes no sense" I reply laughing.

"Like your pessimistic view of the world miss woe is me" He says.

I playfully slap him on the arm, sometimes he could be annoying but at the end of the day that's just how we were, we bullied eachother like brother and sister.

"You better hurry up if you want to look presentable on time for that date" I quip.

I log into the till and I sit on the stool where I would be firmly planted for the next 8 hours.

"Are you saying I'm not presentable now?" He gasps in fake shock.

"Just make sure you brush your hair yeah" I say pointing to the mop of curls on his head.

"Ladies love the curls" He smirks confidently before saying a quick goodbye and exiting the shop.

I was the only one here now and I already missed the company he provided, sometimes I wished our manager also came in during the day but he was way too busy and just let Ash and I deal with the shop, Avery too but she was never in as much as us.

I pull out my phone beginning to scroll through social media knowing this was going to be my routine for the next few hours all while thinking of the boy in my bed earlier.


// Love to Lay- The Weeknd \\
What's this? A new story?
Damn I guess so 😏

Swim is soon coming to an end so you know I need another drama filled story to write...


Enjoy xo

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