18- pick up the phone

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Skye's POV

"I don't know I'm just not sure I made the right decision" I sigh.

I stare out the window looking out onto the tall buildings outside, standing high against the bright sky. We had been stationary for about an hour now and everyone was still asleep so I took it as an opportunity to give Ash a call while I had the privacy.

I was perched on the edge of the window watching as people went by while I held the phone close to my ear while simultaneously twirling strands of my hair around my finger out of habit.

"Well I did try and tell you it was a bad idea but nooo-"

"I don't have time for lectures Ash" I reply bluntly.

"Okay fine what's wrong?" He asks.

I go on to quietly explain the past few days on tour. It had been interesting to say the least and mostly consisted of Mitchel being moody and sulking in the back room for god knows what reason. With Mitchel's sour mood came a constant demand to relieve his stress and not that it wasn't enjoyable but it was rather strange just knowing the others were only a few feet away and knew exactly what was going on.

They never said anything about it and for that I was grateful, I rarely got to speak to them at all minus some small conversations here and there when Mitchel was busy.

There were small times where I enjoyed being here; I loved travelling and it had been great to see so many places already and most people wouldn't get to see so many in such a short time if they weren't doing what we were doing.

"So do you want to come home?" Ash asks.

"A little bit at the same time I can't really leave" I reply.

"Why not?" He replies.

"I can't leave Mitchel, not when he's like this" I say lowly.

As much as he could be an asshole and downright rude to me, he could also be caring and gentle and I knew he was battling something mentally that caused him to lash out. While he was never in the mood to speak about what was playing on his mind, I hoped I would be able to break down the wall soon.

"He's got you wrapped around his finger Skye" Ash comments as if in disapproval.

"He needs me" I merely reply.

"Yeah but do you need him?" He replies.

His question throws me and before I'm able to figure out the answer I notice Christian emerge from the curtain dividing the social area and the bunks. I quickly tell Ash I'll phone another time and he manages a quick 'goodbye' before I lock my phone.

I didn't want Christian to hear the things I was telling to Ash and I hoped he hadn't heard any of it. He politely smiled at me before sitting down on the couch opposite.

"You're awake early" He states.

"Couldn't sleep" I reply.

And I couldn't. Not properly anyway. I lay awake for hours staring around the bunk while Mitchel was fast asleep either in my bunk with me or his own, mostly passed out from whatever alcohol he had consumed beforehand.

"You'll get used to it" He smiles sympathetically.

"I don't know" I mumble looking out the window.

"Who were you on the phone to?" He asks.

"Just my friend back home" I dismiss.

"You miss them?" He replies.

"Incredibly" I sigh.

His smile turns to a pout as he sees how upset I am and at this point I was trying not to cry which was proving difficult when I was this emotional and running on little to no sleep. He opens his arms and gestures with his head to come over.

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