4- Menswear

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Skye's POV

I was sitting at the breakfast bar of the kitchen; a room I had never actually been in. Despite the many times I had visited this house, the only rooms I'd ever seen were the living room, bathroom and obviously Mitchel's room.

Mitchel was currently raiding his cupboards trying to find something to eat as I sat in silence not sure whether to initiate conversation or stay silent. I decide to not try in fear he'd get annoyed at me asking questions again and change his mind about me staying.

The house felt so strange with just us in it. It was such a big space that I was so accustomed to seeing more people in, or rather hearing them shout at the tv playing NBA while I hid up in Mitchel's room.

I wondered why Mitchel was here and they were in New York. Surely if they were there it meant they had band obligations and for Mitchel being the lead singer, you'd assume he'd be there also yet here he was holding a bag of chips in one hand and a beer bottle in the other. I was surprised to see him drinking even more alcohol, I knew for sure I couldn't handle another drink without risking spending the night in his bathroom.

"Want anything?" He asks.

I shake my head no and he nods heading out the room without another word as I soundlessly follow him as he flops down onto the couch flicking on the television.

I looked over at the clock which read 1am and I just wanted to curl up in bed and sleep but clearly Mitchel was not ready to go to bed anytime soon, in any aspect.

I sat down on the couch too but not too close as he flicked through the channels before settling on an old rerun of a comedy show to watch before he tucks into his food and beer.

It was so strange seeing him in this setting and situation, I don't think I'd actually ever witnessed him eat anything and as normal as the action may be, I was still amazed by watching it. Seeing him lightly laugh every now and then while watching the show popping chips into his mouth. It held a kind of normalcy; something I wish I could see every day.

He obviously feels me watching and looks over and I awkwardly look down feeling my cheeks getting redder feeling like a kid being caught for cheating on a test.

"You can go to bed if you want by the way" He states.

"I'll just wait on you" I shrug casually.

"I wouldn't do that" He laughs lightly.

"Why?" I reply.

"Cos I don't sleep angel" He replies his eyes still focused on the tv.


Another rule broken by calling me a nickname; technically the rule was no nicknames in text but he still made it careful not to call me any whenever we were together either.

"Like ever?" I reply.

I couldn't imagine not sleeping, most days it was my favourite part of the day because it meant I could just dream of whatever I wanted and had nothing to worry over.

"Not really" He shrugs.

I felt bad. There must have been a reason for his inability to sleep, I knew he was stressed so perhaps all this worry was eating at his mind, not giving him the chance to relax.

After about forty more minutes, my eyes only grew heavier and I was struggling to stay awake. Mitchel continued to laugh and watch the television, making his way through another few bottles but failing to show any signs of being drunk like I had been earlier indicating this was a task he was used to and something that didn't easily have an effect on him.

"I'm gonna go to sleep" I state standing up.

"Sleep well" He mumbles before tipping his bottle back.

I retreat up the stairs and into the room I had not experienced feeling so cold and empty. I had always noted how Mitchel's room had lacked personality or any sort of evidence it belonged to him. His furniture was a dark brown wood, almost black in colour which I guess fit his aesthetic. He had a table with a Mac on it as well as several other musical appliances and accessories and a few small plants dotted around the room. There were no pictures, no quirky little Knick knacks, no sign of him at all.

I walked into his bathroom and used what I could find to remove the make up on my face, luckily he had some wipes so I was able to get most of it off.

The whole scenario of being here like this was still foreign to me; I had never spent longer than an hour or so here and here I was preparing to spend the night; one of many in the next few days.

I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered if Mitchel would laugh in the morning or notice how different I looked without all the make up he was so used to seeing me in. I looked so much younger without it, more sadder Ash always told me but maybe that was just because I so often wore a frown.

I turned the light in the bathroom out and opened his wardrobe picking out a random t shirt to wear to bed hoping Mitchel wouldn't mind. I surveyed the menswear in the mirror that looked way too big on me but I enjoyed it's comforting cosiness.I dropped my dress to the floor like I had done so many times previous except this time my body was welcomed with the softness of his cotton shirt instead of his calloused hands.

I climbed into his bed and under the covers feeling strangely empty without him next to me, not that he would do anything if he was here. It's not like he would pull me close or let me cuddle into him.

I let out a soft sigh and turn out the main light, the street lights outside providing just enough of a glow to keep the room from falling into complete darkness.

As my eyes drifted off I wondered if Mitchel would join me at all or if he would spend the rest of the hours until morning with a bottle in his hand and his eyes fixated on the television.

My eyes became heavier and I sank further into the abyss of soft silk that covered his bed, dreaming of the boy downstairs that; although I can't determine the accuracy of, I swear I felt dip into the bed and wrap their arms around me at some point during the night.

// Menswear - The 1975 \\

Another chapter ooh look at me bein a super active updaterr I'm having fun writing this so expect quite a few in the next week

FRIENDS // MITCHEL CAVEOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora