6- often

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Skye's POV

The car was speeding down the street quickly leading me to cling on to edge of my seat in fear we were going to end up crashing.

Mitchel had just picked me back up after being gone for a couple of hours and it was safe to say he was not in a good mood. He merely beeped his car several times to tell me he was here and hadn't said a word to me directly since leaving mine. He merely muttered curse words and loud sighs to himself, his hands gripping the wheel tightly as we made our way down the long street.

"Mitchel you're going really fast" I state.

"No shit" He retorts.

I roll my eyes at his tone knowing I was in for a fun day if he was going to be in such a short temper.

"What have I told you about that?" He replies looking over at me briefly before averting his eyes back to the road.

"Sorry" I reply bluntly looking out the window at the trees whizzing past blurring into a mess of green.

"I'll drop back you off right now if you're going to give me attitude" He states.

"Sorry I don't wanna die an early death by a car crash" I reply.

He seems taken aback by my words and I was surprised by myself, I never ever spoke back to him like this, no matter how annoying he was being. I couldn't help it though, I was growing tired of baring the brunt of his anger.

"We're not going to crash" He replies jaw locking.

I don't even reply, I stay quiet and focus my attention on the window choosing to bite my tongue so I don't annoy him further. He continued to mutter under his breath and I wondered what caused his shift in mood anyway because clearly something had annoyed him.

A few minutes pass and I hear siren noises that I at first don't notice from the loud music playing on the radio but they grow louder and I look out the side mirror and see the flashing lights of a cop car racing to catch up with us. Mitchel notices this too and let's out an exasperated sigh hitting the wheel in annoyance.

"Shit" He mutters.

"Not to say I told you so or anything but-"

"Now is not the time Skye please" He whines, one hand combing through his hair in a stressed fashion.

He finds somewhere to pull over and I can see his leg tapping up and down clearly panicking over how he was going to get out of this one. He does his best to compose himself as a cop walks to the side of the car and looks in the open window unimpressed.

"Sir are you aware of what speed you were travelling?" He asks.

"Uh yes but I can explain" Mitchel stammers.

The cop raises his eyebrows obviously waiting for Mitchel to come up with a made up excuse he was probably all too accustomed at hearing. I see Mitchel struggling to come up with something and the cop was only growing more impatient and unimpressed so I internally sigh and see I'm going to have to step in.

I discreetly zip up my hoodie around the jacket I was clutching knowing the cop wasn't paying attention to me and I mentally shake my head at what I was about to do.

I let out a cry of fake pain clutching my stomach and both their heads turn immediately in my direction as I continue to make soft whimpers of pain.

"How long is this going to take?" I whine "I don't know how much longer I can wait!"

"Miss is something wrong?" The cop asks in confusion.

"Yes! I'm in labour and we're trying to get to the hospital!" I exclaim faking a few deep breaths.

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