14- Say it to my face

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Mitchel's POV

I closed the door and made my way down the stairs again and back into the living room where the guys were residing. I did my best to ignore the strange glances they were throwing in my direction and picked up one of the beers they had seeing as I had no chance of drinking when I went out.

I was looking forward to a night in the club but upon seeing how completely wasted Skye was, I knew I had to get her somewhere safe before anything bad happened to her.

It was strange to me, why I cared so much. I shouldn't care, I never did. I'd met plenty of girls way past the point of sobriety and never had this urge to make sure they were okay nor did it ever hinder my ability to have my wicked way with them. Seeing Skye so gone trying to seduce me only made me feel sleazy and wrong and so I made her sleep instead.

"So you gonna tell us what's going on?" Christian asks.

"Nothing's going on" I retort.

"Cmon Mitchel" He replies.

"Yeah I thought you were over relationships" Clinton adds with a bored face.

"I am" I reply "I'm not in a relationship with her"

"Cos you know with the band we can't really have girlfriends-"

"Didn't I just say nothing was going on?" I retort growing annoyed with them.

I hated hearing their lectures, they were just as involved in my love life as the fans. I don't know why it mattered so much to them all; who I was with romantically or not, it was personal and yet it always seemed to be the talking point.

It was exhausting and it was why I vowed not to be in relationships anymore. The fans would stalk them, harass them and yeah most were nice but there was always some that found a way to be cruel and nasty. That's what happened with my last girlfriend; she couldn't take the hate and claimed I didn't care about her because I didn't ever post about us even when I was just trying to protect her.

The boys weren't any better; reminding me relationships don't work when you're in a band and the distance makes it worse. Just go have fun! They say, Let's go partying!

Girlfriends don't work well if you want to sell albums, if you want a good crowd at the show. That's what management would remind us and what the boys would recite to me.

Sometimes I felt like I wasn't even in control of my own life, other people always told me what to do and how to act and maybe that's where all my anger had stemmed from recently, I was growing sick of feeling like a puppet for everyone else to control.

"We're just looking out for you Mitchel" Christian reminds me.

"Yeah well I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself" I reply.

They pick up on my now very annoyed mood and decide to back off changing the subject to the show we had in a few days. I stayed silent and made my way through my beer letting it ease the stress and anger I was holding onto.

My mind travelled to Skye wondering if she was okay upstairs; she was pretty far gone and I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. I was growing concerned with how much I thought about her, I hadn't been in a relationship in two years and instead busied myself with faceless girls and it had been enough. Even she had started off like that and then I seen her again and our little agreement began and for a while it worked. I could get relief any time I wanted with just a text away and no hassle of the girl staying longer or wanting more.

Recently it had all became a bit of a mess though and I guess I was mostly to blame. I couldn't help myself, I craved her presence in even the most innocent ways where I just wanted her around to watch tv with or go shopping and grab food. I was teetering dangerously close to giving her all the wrong signals and so I would have to restrict myself more even though I had the habit of caving in when her eyes met mine.

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