8- touch

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Skye's POV

"So what are we doing here?" I ask looking around the crowded shopping mall.

"Killing time" He replies simply.

"I don't understand" I say.

"The place we're going is better in the evening" He explains.

"Alright" I reply still not any more knowledgeable on where we were going.

"And also I need new clothes" He states "So you're going to help me"

"You want me to help you?" I ask.

Mitchel's style was very distinct to him in that I didn't think he really needed my input and I wasn't very good at picking out clothes for myself let alone someone else.

"Christian normally helps but clearly he's not here" Mitchel adds

He begins flicking through rails of shirts. We were in a fairly expensive store and so the workers were keeping a close eye on us. I found it comical that they were clearly assuming Mitchel couldn't afford anything here due to his raggedy style outfit but I knew he had more than enough to blow on half the shop.

"This?" He asks holding up a black shirt with '666' written on it in red writing.

"You trying to tell me something here Cave?" I joke pointing to the number.

"I assumed you already knew" He smirks raising his eyebrows.

"Well I was always warned the devil had a pretty face" I reply flicking through the rail in front of me.

"Did you just call me pretty?" He laughs.

"That's what you took from that?" I reply.

He rolls his eyes in a playful manner holding the top close to him as I assume it means he was purchasing it as he continued looking around the store. He picked up a few more and I knew already that he was going to wear them to death much like the jeans he had on. Despite all his money, he had a habit of wearing the same thing repeatedly until the point the clothes were falling apart. I looked at his jeans where a few patches were looking frayed; one hanging off almost completely and the jeans themselves had discoloured to a faded grey colour.

"Maybe some jeans?" I suggest gesturing to them.

"I guess the time has come huh?" He replies looking down at them sadly.

I nod my head and he looks solemn but browses through the rail with jeans and picks up a pair. They were pretty similar; they didn't have patches on them but I knew Mitchel would just put his own on however they did have an interesting chain pattern going down the sides underneath a red stripe. They definitely looked like something he would wear on stage.

"They're cool" I say smiling encouraging him to buy them.

"I bet Clinton will try and steal them" He says more to himself than me.

"Would Clinton even fit in them?" I ask puzzled.

It's not that Clinton was bigger than Mitchel; it was just he was a lot taller and broader compared to Mitchel's smaller frame, I couldn't possibly imagine them sharing clothes.

"You'd be surprised how much he tries" Mitchel jokes.

Mitchel then becomes distracted by a bright yellow vest hanging on a wall and makes a beeline over to it immediately going to reach up for it before bringing it down and holding it over himself in approval, a large grin on his face.

"How fucking cool is this?" He smiles.

"Sure" I reply "If you want to look like a construction worker"

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