22- Delicate

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Skye's POV

Calm. Serenity. Synchronised rising and falling of chests as we breathed in a rhythmic fashion. It was moments like this I grew to crave and cherish. However moments like this never lasted and were all too often fleeting.

Mitchel's phone began ringing obnoxiously loud interrupting the peaceful slumber I was enjoying. He detangled his arms from underneath me before sitting up and reaching over to grab his phone.

He looks at the screen as if pondering on whether or not he wanted to answer. His face remains blank as he declined the call and sets it back down carefully on the bedside table, switching it down onto silent mode to prevent any further disruption.

"You're not answering?" I ask, perhaps being too nosy but using any opening for a conversation.

"No" He replies tearing his gaze away from the wall to mine, ever so briefly.

I nod my head seeing he still wasn't in the mood to talk much like last night. I understood though; that he needed time. Something was clearly wrong with him and I just had to hope he'd want to talk it out soon because I knew if he continued to keep whatever was bothering him bottled up that it would have disastrous results.

I glanced over at the clock on the table and seen it was 8am. It was a strange time because it was still too early to be doing anything but too late to go back to sleep.

I wondered who had been trying to call Mitchel but I deducted it was most likely one of the boys trying to get a hold of him seeing as we failed to return back to the bus after the big blow out.

I wasn't really sure what today would hold. There was no show until tomorrow night but I wasn't even sure he'd be in the right state to perform for that. We'd only booked a room for tonight so we'd have to check out soon or pay for another night.

"Skye?" Mitchel says bringing me out of the trance I was in.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Do you think I'm a selfish person?" He asks.

His question takes me aback. Mitchel rarely gave opportunity for anyone to share their opinion of him if it wasn't praise and so I was confused why he was asking.

"Sometimes" I say truthfully "But isn't everyone?"

"No I mean it though" He says sitting forward in a cross legged position "What do you think of me as a person?"

I sit up too, mimicking his actions and crossing my legs opposite him. He looked unsure of something, almost like he was trying to figure something out, maybe himself.

"I think that sometimes you're the most conceited asshole I've ever encountered" I say "You're stubborn, moody and easily annoyed by simple things"

He just stares at me without a word of disapproval or justification as I lost every thing that annoys me about him.

"But" I say gently taking his hands in mine as he easily allows me to "You're also one of the most amazing humans I've ever encountered"

His lip twitches ever so slightly but enough that makes me notice.

"You enter a room and everyone looks at you, you have a way of capturing people and have them be wrapped around your finger" I explain "Your music is indescribable and I've never seen anyone work so hard on their craft, I see the way you interact with your fans and it's so natural to you to be doing this and to be creating what you do and sharing with others"

His fingers held mine tighter as his eyes became glossy and it looked like he might cry again. While Mitchel could be the most insufferable person I've ever known, he also needed to hear these good things, he deserved them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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