A Warrior

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Author's Note: A big thank you to macaronitsunami, one of my favorite readers 😉, for her encouraging comment, which is why this week's reward goes to her.


Rapid footsteps pattered against the floor.

She began to rise, until Elon squeezed her waist, and she settled back down. Akasha had to think they weren't expecting her.

The chill grew stronger at her back, and Carissa suppressed a shiver as her body stiffened. Judging from Elon's strong grip on her waist, he didn't want her to rise and fight yet. But how long was she to remain still?

Akasha stopped at her side of the bed. The hairs on Carissa's neck prickled in awareness. Metal sang as it was unsheathed. Perhaps a sword? Or dagger? The wooden floors creaked with the shifting of weight.

Elon finally loosened his grip. She rolled towards Akasha in time to catch the glitter of moonlight against a blade. A dagger. Akasha held it above her for a split second before plunging it downwards.

As it whistled through the air, Carissa raised her forearms to shield her chest, but she knew it was too late. She hadn't reacted in time, and in moments, the dagger would find its mark.

Elon's sword flashed in front of her, and the dagger crashed against it. Their blades were locked for only a moment before Elon pressed harder, the tip of his sword nearing Akasha's nose.

Akasha grunted and darted backwards, allowing Elon's sword to swipe where she'd been moments ago.

Elon rolled out of bed and rounded to Carissa's side. "The dagger, Carissa."

She drew her dagger from its sheath. From that one strike alone, it was clear Akasha was stronger and more skilled. How could Elon expect Carissa to fight her? She slipped out of bed and stood behind him.

Elon lowered his sword and stepped aside. "Your turn, Carissa."

Akasha's face split with glee. "Allow the supposed warrior to attack me. Excellent idea."

Carissa clutched the edge of his sleeve. "Elon...?"

He smiled softly. "Trust me, Carissa."

A quick glance at Akasha revealed her stance had loosened. Though she wasn't willing to approach Elon, she paced the other side of the room, twirling her dagger.

Finger by finger, Carissa pried herself off of Elon's sleeve. If he knew the future and he loved her, then she had to trust everything would work out. She approached Akasha on wobbling legs and lifted her dagger. To her embarrassment, her arm trembled.

Akasha only paused to snicker before launching into an attack. Her dagger slammed into Carissa's, ripping it from her sweaty grip. As it skidded across the room, Akasha lunged towards her.

Carissa shielded her face with her forearms. This was it.

Steel clanged, and silence filled the room.

Carissa lowered her arms. Elon had blocked the coming blow. "I thought I was supposed to fight Akasha."

Akasha's eyes swirled with darkness as she gritted her teeth.

Elon's gaze never left Akasha, but his expression was relaxed, his posture loose. "Not alone you aren't. You attack her. I'll protect you."

Oh. Her relief spooled into a sigh. Perhaps she could defeat Akasha—so long as Elon was at her side.

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