Attacking the Fortress

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Author's Note: I didn't have time to proofread, so feel free to point out my mistakes ;)


The Next Day

Lyron's brows furrowed in concentration as he drew out the rest of the fortress on the parchment. "In this wing, there's the kitchens, storage rooms, pantry, wine cellar—"

The man jabbed his finger at the west wing. "You forgot this wing, urchin." Though Lyron had drawn the outline for the wing, that section of the fortress itself was empty—no corridors or rooms.

Elon leaned towards the table, drawing his arm away from Carissa's shoulders. His gaze flicked to Lyron. "He has his reasons."

Lyron nodded at Elon's statement. "Servants aren't allowed to enter that wing, so I'm not quite sure what's there."

The man leaned closer to the boy. "So you're telling me that no servant has ever entered this section of the fortress?"

Lyron returned the man's stare unwaveringly. "None that have returned."

"Then that's where we need to go," Elon said."

All gazes swerved to Elon.

The man grunted. "Sounds like the place we should avoid."

Elon shook his head. "We need to go there if we want to push the border back."

"And why should I care about the border?"

Carissa had known bringing the man along would prove to be a hindrance than anything. "Because," she said, "if we push the border back, we push the Reapers back. You hate Reapers, so isn't this what you want?"

The man muttered, "It seems pointless to me. I'm doing fine where I am, and if we chase the Reapers off, they'll just come back in stronger forces."

"So if you don't want to push the border back, then why are you helping us?"

The man threw his arms open. "Because you're forcing me to."

Carissa rose from her seat and planted her arms on the table. "Then stay. If you're unwilling, you'll only slow us down. We only needed you to stop assaulting us, so we could plan this. If you remain at the cabin, we'll be out of your way, and you'll be out of ours."

The man shrugged, though the movement was too forceful for it to be nonchalant. "I said I'd help, so I will."

But that wasn't the whole truth. Somehow, she doubted the only reason he'd agreed to help him was to preserve his integrity. Carissa glanced at Elon.

His lips edged upwards in an apologetic smile. "I know you'd rather us leave him, Carissa, but we need him."

She sat back down, and Elon draped his arm around her. She'd be happy once they'd taken the fortress and she never had to see the man again—whatever his name was. She'd thought about asking for his name, but seeing as they would only know each other for a few hours more, she decided it really wasn't necessary.

Lyron gestured to the map, his fingers black with ink. "That's all I can remember of the fortress. So what's the plan?"

The man cleared his throat. "I say we should go in the way the lot of you came out—through that passage. We'll need someone to distract the Reapers," he gestured towards Carissa, "while the others free the servants." The man moved his finger across the map. "The quickest route to the servants would be—"

Carissa slid the map away from him. "Now wait just a minute. You're not in charge of planning this attack; Elon is. What right have you to say what my role will be?"

Elon cleared his throat. "Actually... he's right. We do need a distraction, and I think you'd be the best fit for that role."

Carissa shot him a glare. Of all things, Elon wasn't supposed to agree with the man.

He clasped her hand, his thumb caressing hers. "Think about it. The Reapers would be highly motivated to capture you, giving us the perfect distraction, and you're well-trained in the art of fighting, both with your hands and with a sword." He held up a finger. "But I don't think you should be alone. As skilled as you are, it's possible you'd be overwhelmed, which is why I think Algernon should accompany you." He gestured to the man.

The man's mouth went slack. "How did you know my name?"

Elon winked. "Foresight, of course."

Carissa's gaze zipped between Elon and the man, Algernon. "You've got to be joking."

Algernon smirked. For some reason, she'd almost liked him better when he'd been nameless. "Why? Worried you won't be able to keep up with me?"

As if. She turned towards Elon. "Why can't you go with me?"

He squeezed her hand. "Lyron and I must find where the Reapers store their Soul Gem—likely within the west wing somewhere. Given that the wing is unmarked, we'll need my Foresight to navigate."

Carissa deflated at his explanation. At least she wouldn't see any more of Mister Algae after this. Just thinking of that made her perk up a bit. "If that's what you think is best."

Elon offered her a small smile. "I do, and thank you for trusting me. Now, as far as your route goes, I suggest you take this path, cutting across the Great Room, and run into the opposite hallway..."

Within a few hours, they'd hammered out the last few details of their plan, armed themselves with a variety of weapons, and loaded their sacks with rope, lock picks, fire steel, chalk, string, strips of cloth, and fishing hooks. Elon didn't explain why they'd need some of the items but had reassured them that they would know what to do with them when the time came.

They jogged through the forest together as the sky darkened from gray to black. Carissa's eyes ached from trying to strain to see Elon's figure in the dark. Just before the coming night swallowed the last bit of light, they stopped.

Elon and Algernon rolled the stone away, revealing the yawning opening of the secret passage.

Algernon gestured to the tunnel with a flourish. "Ladies first."

The King's Cursed BrideOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora