Traitorous: Part 1

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Two Days Later

Two scouts knelt before Elon—the very two scouts she and Algernon had saved a few nights ago. Elon and she were seated within a tent, the group of elders sandwiching them on either side. It was in this same tent that she and Elon had first met the Elders.

One gazed over the Elders before his gaze landed on Elon. "Permission to speak, your highness?"

"Of course."

"There's a cluster of caves a few miles away. Though we didn't venture near, we could hear yare wolves within—and I believe more than one pack."

Elder Itura said, "Perhaps we should try to pass around them."

Another Elder suggested, "Or we could turn around."

Elder Lorem glanced at Elon and Carissa. "Your highnesses, what do you think?"

Carissa hadn't the faintest idea. She glanced at Elon, hoping he had a plan.

Elon surveyed those within the tent, and once everyone had fallen silent, he said, "I say we fight the wolves."

Though many stiffened or went slack with shock, thankfully none voiced their dissent.

Elder Lorem clasped his hands at his waist. "Typically, I would oppose such a risky endeavor, but if you're fighting with the men, your majesty, I have no objections."

Elon nodded. "Then it's decided. Our men will leave tomorrow morning to hunt the wolves before they can hunt us."

"Should we give them Y'thapa, your majesty?"

"No, that won't be necessary. I have a plan."

Carissa couldn't help but smile. Of course Elon had a plan; he always did.

"If no one else has any comments, the council is dismissed."

Before Carissa could rise, Elon was out of his chair and offering her his hand. She accepted, and Elon pulled her up. They stood close enough that it would have been scandalous were they not husband and wife.

Elon smiled down at her. "You look lovely today."

Her entire body flushed with heat, and she felt a sharp tug within her chest, an urge to be even closer to him. She hoped he'd ask to bond with her again soon. If not, perhaps she should find a way to encourage him to do so.

Elon threaded his fingers with hers and led her out of the tent. They walked around clusters of barrels and low-burning campfires in silence. It was evening, and soon night would be upon them.

"Well, I think making the King of Nysia in charge is stupid."

Carissa lurched to a halt, searching for the source of the comment. The high pitch suggested it had been spoken by a child.

"But he saved us from the wolves," another child replied.

She peered around a tent, spotted the cluster of children.

The first boy said, "Well, my pa said the King didn't really fight the wolves. He has a way of controlling them. In fact, he's just as much of a monster as they are."

A girl—about twelve years of age—nodded. "He looks like a monster. Have you seen him? He's missing a finger, and then he has that awful scar on his cheek."

Heat burst within Carissa's chest. Those were all wounds Elon had healed her from. They weren't a sign of how monstrous he was but rather how kind he was. Carissa stepped forward to tell the children so, but Elon tightened his grip on her hand and tugged her back.

The movement caught the children's gazes, and they all turned. Their expressions ranged from shock to outright horror, their faces either paling or flushing. A few tried to dip into a bow or kneel, and it seemed others were struggling to find something to say.

A little girl was the first to move. She toddled towards Elon, her blanket dragging in the dirt.

One of the boys sucked in a breath so sharply that it sounded like a hiss. "Sarash, no." His fingers brushed her simple dress, but she'd already stepped away from him.

The girl stopped in front of Elon and tipped her head back, her black curls dangling down to her waist. "Are you a monster?"

Elon dropped to his haunches, his face levels with hers. "What do you think?"

Her brows furrowed in thought. She stretched out her hand and wrapped her pale fingers around what remained of Elon's missing finger. Then she lifted her hand to touch the warped skin on his cheek.

"I think that if you're a monster, you're a very nice monster."

Elon's lips melted into a smile, his eyes twinkling like starlight. "Is that so?"

Her tiny fingers wandered towards the corner of his mouth, and Elon nipped at their tips. The girl darted backwards, her lips spreading in a smile as she giggled. Elon grinned back and rose to his feet.

He pecked Carissa on the cheek. "If you're alright walking to the tent yourself, I have some children to hunt."

The children exchanged glances with each other, and the boy who'd first spoken so poorly of Elon said, "But you haven't given us a chance to run away yet."

"Perhaps while I'm kissing my wife goodnight, you should take the opportunity to search for cover." Elon winked at them, and a moment later, the children dispersed, weaving around the tents.

Carissa shook her head, her heart melting until it pooled within her chest. "I doubt I'll ever have your charisma in dealing with others."

Elon wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning his forehead against hers. "It's just a matter of loving them like they're mine, Carissa. It will come to you. But in the meantime, about that kiss..."

She tipped her head to the side, pressing her lips against his. A tingling warmth swelled beneath her ribs before settling low in her abdomen. Lands, he better ask to bond with her soon. When she felt Elon begin to withdraw, she pressed close one last time before rocking back on her heels.

Though Elon's face was flushed, his grin was filled with mischief. "There's more where that came from, you know."

She laughed, stepping back from him. "I'm counting on it."

His flush deepened, and for once, he seemed at a loss for words. Finally, he cleared his throat. "Well. I'll see you later?"

She winked in reply before turning on her heel and heading back towards the tent. Her head was still spinning from his kiss when she parted the tent flap. She strode in, only for her feet to stagger to a stop.

Algernon was leaning against one of the main support poles of the tent, his arms crossed. "I was wondering when you'd get here, Carissa."


Author's Note: You can check out the sneak peek in my profile bio. :)

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