Dancing: Part 2

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She glanced up at him, unable to keep from smiling. "I would like that."

When he first began dancing, she recognized the beginning steps to a waltz. She began to follow, but then he danced faster, the moves becoming closer to that of a village dance. When she stumbled against him, he laughed and pulled her closer before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

When he changed his steps yet again, she suppressed a growl as Elon stifled chuckles. But he was doing a poor job of it. She soon realized that her only hope was to follow his movements rather than trying to predict them. And that meant paying attention to the present moment rather than worrying about what was to come.

She mirrored his steps, and when the rhythm of the dance seemed to speed up—yet again—she was ready. She adjusted her steps until their movements were synced. She studied his feet carefully, waiting for the moment the dance would change.

She had waited on Elon before, after she'd received his first letter and had expected him to come and explain himself. But this kind of waiting was different; it was filled with expectation, a readiness to follow him. Perhaps she'd been waiting wrong; perhaps waiting was supposed to be a form of preparation rather than idleness.

Yet there was nothing she could have done to prepare for Elon's next move as he clasped her waist and lifted her into the air, spinning her around him.

When he finally lowered her and held her to him, they were both laughing so hard they were breathless.

Carissa leaned back to meet Elon's eyes. "Do tell: what kind of a dance was that?"

"The Elon and Carissa dance, of course." He winked. "But, if I'm to be honest, I made it up as we went along."

"I thought as much." She cupped his cheek, her heart trilling at the feel of his roughened jaw against her palm.

He leaned forward, his forehead nudging hers. "I've missed you." He pecked the tip of her nose. "Thank you for trusting me enough to follow me, even all the way out here."

"Thank you for going before me and showing me the way."

He lifted his head away from hers. "You're still grieving for the caravan."

Sorrow cinched her chest, and she found herself unable to deny his words.

"I'm sorry, Carissa. I am too."

She struggled against the bitterness that welled within her. How could he grieve their passing? Knowing what was going to happen? And knowing that he would allow it?

Elon watched her struggle in silence for several moments, his gaze holding fast to hers. "I know you have many questions, Carissa. Some of the answers you'll discover, but some will have to wait. But I can assure you all of your questions do have answers."

"Then why not share them, Elon?"

"Because by handing you the answers on a silver platter, I would ruin an opportunity for you to grow by discovering the answer yourself. As to the answers that need to wait, you aren't ready for them. Not yet."

When her gaze strayed from his, he grasped her chin and directed her face toward his. "Do you trust me with this, Carissa?"

She released a harsh breath. "I do. But that doesn't mean it hurts any less. Or that I'll stop wondering."

"Good. And I want you to know that it's all right to doubt me." Her face slackened in shock—after all, that was the complete opposite of what he'd been telling her—and Elon chuckled. "I suppose I should clarify. If my actions ever confuse or concern you, don't ignore that. Think on it. Embrace the questions that trouble you. Just as you did when I left and the Reapers slaughtered the caravan."

"So... you're telling me that I should react like that every time?"

"Well..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Not quite. Ask all the questions you'd like, ponder your doubts, but please don't push me away. As you seek out answers to your questions, I think you'll find that your trust in me with strengthen."

She nodded, though she wasn't quite certain she could do what he'd asked. But she would try.

Elon sat down on the lush grass and tugged her down next to him. "The hour is late. Rest beside me, and I'll keep watch." He settled down next to her, curling his body around hers.

Longing thrummed through her. She wanted to twist around in his arms and cover his lips with hers until he bonded with her. Heat burned low within her, and she twirled a blade of grass tight enough around her finger to make it whiten. It was best she focused on that sensation rather than the ones roiling within her.

Elon chuckled at her back. "Someone's not thinking of sleep."

A blush scorched her cheeks. "Are you thinking of sleep?"

"I'm keeping watch. Of course I'm not. However, if I were thinking of things beyond keeping watch, I certainly wouldn't act on them."

"And why not?"

He sat up, leaning over her. "Carissa. We're in the middle of the field. A good distance from town, perhaps, but still visible."

A strangled "oh" escaped her lips, and her face burned so hot she feared it would glow. She hadn't even thought of that; how silly of her.

Elon's rich laughter poured over her. "But I'm quite glad my wife would be so ready to receive me." He settled back beside her, his arm draped over her waist. "I've longed for you too—from the moment I wrote your first letter. And it only got worse when I saw you in person. And even more so when I wed you. And then when we first bonded. I truly hope I have your sympathy, considering how much restraint I've exhibited."

Carissa laughed. "I could do with a little less restraint."

He nuzzled her neck, his stubble grazing her skin. He pressed a single hot kiss against its curve before laying down once more. "When we next have an opportunity to bond, I assure you that you'll see how unrestrained I can be. We'll know each other as husband and wife again, Carissa. I promise." His grip on her waist tightened.

And then Carissa pretended to fall asleep, all the while enjoying the familiarity of Elon's touch and contemplating what such a bonding would be like.

Judging from Elon's soft laughter, he wasn't fooled.


Author's Note: I'm working on the sneak peek... And I could use some 'pretty pleases' for encouragement. ;)

UPDATE: You guys know I can't resist 'pretty pleases.' The sneak peek is up and in my profile bio! ;)

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