Destroying the Nephesh: Part 5

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Silence blanketed the crowd, and the zealous fervor from moments ago evaporated.

The man strode towards the Elder. "Do you know what havoc that man wreaked when he crossed our borders three years ago?"

Wariness streaked across the Elder's expression. "Surely you're mistaken, Jokshan."

"Am I?" His gaze swept to Elon. "Why don't I name my accusations, and the King can tell me whether or not I'm mistaken."

Unease prickled Carissa's skin, and Elon rose, pulling Carissa up with him. "Name your accusations."


"Explain yourself."

"Three years ago, you came to Esmeray to take one of our forts. You crossed our borders and killed our people—all in the name of expanding your own kingdom."

Would Elon do that? True, he had traveled to Esmeray to expand his kingdom—in a sense—and make the Esmerians his own people, but she could scarcely imagine him using violence to do so.

Elon nodded. "What you've said is true, but it's only a partial truth. Your men were using that fort to raid some of the villages by the border."

"You even killed those who had surrendered!"

Elon's eyes dimmed. "Yes. We took none alive because none were truly willing to surrender. My foresight made me aware of this. I wouldn't have ordered their deaths otherwise."

"But you don't have any proof that what you say is true. What if you killed them simply to rid the world of a few Esmerians?"

Elon didn't appear fazed in the slightest as he slowly moved his gaze over the people, then returned it to the man. "Is that what you truly believe?" The man answered with a scowl, and Elon continued, "I have no reason to want the people of Esmeray to suffer. I love Esmerians just as much as I do Nysians."


"Because Esmeray hasn't always existed. Our peoples used to be one and the same, and I don't see why I ought to treat one group differently than the other."

"You truly think that we'd believe the King of Nysia cares just as much for Esmerians as he does Nysians?"

"I do." Everyone turned towards the young man who'd spoken. "Elon and Carissa remained behind, willing to sacrifice themselves for people who had continually rejected them." He strode towards the fire, slice his palm, and let his blood drip onto the kindling. "I, Deeve Piers, vow to make Elon my King—not because of where my feet are but because of where my heart is. Should I break my word, may I be burnt like the blood of my vow."

The scarred man fisted his hands. "I fail to see how a vow changes anything. Many Nysians behave no differently than Esmerians. In fact, I know Nysians that torment, prostitute, and enslave others."

It was true. Zonah was within the Nysian border, yet it was one of the filthiest cities she'd ever had the misfortune of visiting. If she'd never gone to Zonah, she could have presented herself as a pure bride to Elon.

Elon replied, "Not everyone who calls themselves mine is one of mine. And what they name themselves matters as little as the location of their feet." He nodded towards the young man, Deeve. "Thank you for your vow, Deeve." His eyes crinkled in a smile. "And welcome to my family."

Lyron came forward. "Now I would make a vow." He was young and Carissa thought Elon might stop him, but he said nothing as Lyron cut his palm and said his vow.

Others surged forward to claim Elon as their king, and Carissa felt her heart swell. She'd thought Elon's idea of conquering Esmeray one person at a time was ridiculous and that his kindness to the caravan members would prove fruitless. Yet, here they were.

Kerstin approached, her midnight blue eyes nearly black in the night, tears glistening from her lower lashes. Carissa felt a burst of coldness in her chest; Kerstin likely had the Nephesh with her.

"Forgive me," Kerstin said, "for my earlier arrogance. I didn't think you truly cared for our people, and I thought you had selfishly joined our caravan because we could afford you protection. But there's truly nothing we can offer you, can you? You never joined our caravan for your sake; you joined it for ours."

Elon grasped Kerstin's hand, his smile soft. "I did."

"Earlier today, mere hours ago, I said I would never trust you." Even in the firelight, the color that rose on her cheeks was quite visible. "I apologize for that, and if possible, I'd like to rescind that statement." She slipped away and stood before the fire and made her blood oath: "I vow to trust you, both your love for our people and your judgement in guiding our futures. Should I break my word, may I be burnt like the blood of my vow."

Kerstin sheathed her dagger as she approached them, and Carissa felt another wash of coldness. After halting in front of them, Kerstin withdrew the Nephesh. Its soft purple glow illuminated trees the firelight didn't quite reach. Carissa tensed, hoping this wasn't a trick to allow Kerstin to harm Elon.

Kerstin extended her hand. "As a sign of my trust, I would entrust the Nephesh into your keeping to do with as you wish."

Elon inclined his head. "Thank you, Kerstin. I'm honored by your vow. As for the Nephesh, I'd like to destroy it." He stepped back, pulling Carissa with him. "If you will, throw it into the air."

Kerstin lobbed the Nephesh. In a flash, Elon withdrew his sword and sliced through the stone. The cold, tight ball within Carissa's chest melted in an instant. As the Nephesh's glittering fragments showered the camp, a thunderous roar rippled through the crowd. More poured forth to make their blood vows, including Lyron's father.

Movement in the corner of Carissa's eye made her glance to the left.

The man with the scarred jaw stared out over the crowd. Though he didn't speak, she could practically feel the cold fury rolling off him. He turned and strode away—not towards the camp but towards the forest. Where could he be going alone and in the middle of the night?

Carissa looked at Elon and found him staring at the area where the man had last been. Elon's gaze slid to hers, and he offered her a smile that didn't reach his eyes. Unease roiled within her chest. Elon had let him go, so surely he was prepared for whatever consequences that action caused.

But was she prepared?


Author's Note: For those interested, the sneak peek is in my profile bio!

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