Traitorous: Part 3

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"Elon?" Carissa was tempted to try and peer outside, but a part of her was afraid of doing so.

"Are you trapped, Carissa?"

The words were slightly slurred, but she managed to recognize the voice. "Algernon?"

"Are you trapped?"

"No, I'm—"

A dagger ripped through the remaining threads that bound the tent flaps together.

Carissa jerked backwards and swept the blanket off of the cot before wrapping it around herself. But not before Algernon's gaze landed on her.

Heat smothered Carissa's face, then ice. "As you can see, I'm fine. Please leave."

His gaze hovered over her, as if he could see past the blanket to what she wore beneath. "Were you expecting someone?"

"My husband," she bit.

He lifted his gaze to hers, its depths murky. "I don't think so."

The gleam in his eyes rattled her bones. She recognized that look, had seen it far too many times in Iver. A tight pressure built in her chest, so painful she could scarcely think or breathe.

Algernon staggered toward her. "You knew your husband would be away tonight, Carissa. You're certain it's him you were waiting for?"

Carissa stumbled backwards, until the backs of her knees hit the cot. "A–Algernon, please. You're drunk, and you're not thinking clearly."

Algernon shook his head, his eyes glazed. "I'm thinking more clearly than I have in a long time."

"Stop." She held up her palm. "Please stop."

But he advanced until her hand was pressed against his chest. He set his hand atop hers, pinning it there. "You care for me, Carissa."

"Yes, but—"

"You were there for me when none else were, when my sister died." He drew in a sharp breath, and Carissa felt a pinch of sympathy. He was still grieving his sister, though that was no excuse for his behavior. Perhaps she could talk about his sister as a means to distract him.

"You truly miss her, don't you?"

He seemed to struggle for words as he swallowed. "I do. I'd just gotten her back, Carissa, only to lose her once more."

"Algernon, I'm truly sorry. I know that must have been har—"

His lips descended on hers so suddenly that shock rendered her motionless. She didn't want to hurt him when he was grieving, and for that she paused again. Then he pressed harder, grinding his lips against hers.

Nausea lurched in her stomach. This has to stop.

Carissa balled her fist and drove it upwards, hitting the edge of his jaw and snapping his head back. Though he didn't release her entirely, he did cease kissing her.

Carissa met his gaze, at the same level as her own, and tried to hide the tremors wracking her frame. Within the past weeks, the only man she'd been this near was her husband. And Algernon's touch didn't remind her of Elon's.

"I know you're upset, and I know you're grieving, but this won't help, Algernon."

He gripped both of her upper arms. "I disagree."

"Regardless, it's wrong, and I won't allow it."

"And why not? Because you fear Elon would know?"

"No, because I would know. Elon has been unwaveringly loyal to me, even before we were married, and now I wish to do the same."

Algernon merely shook his head. "You lie to yourself, Carissa. You knew that it couldn't be Elon, yet you came to the entrance. You knew it was me kissing you, yet you hesitated in pushing me away."

Frustration seared through her fear, and she almost wished she'd have the opportunity to hit him again. "Because I didn't want to hurt you!"

He smirked. "And why would you not want to hurt me unless you cared for me? Yet again, you contradict yourself."

He dragged her forward, and Carissa slapped her palms against his chest to prevent him from pulling her closer. "Alger—"

He pressed his lips to hers once more, and though she readied her fists, she found her hands pinned between her chest and his.

One of his hands began to wander, and Carissa felt something in her chest clenching, shrinking. Her heart throbbed with each thunderous beat until she feared it would burst. A barrage of images and sensations drowned her.

She was back in Iver, a plaything for another man. Though she could cry, it wouldn't be a deterrent. In fact, it could very well encourage his attentions. Tingles swept over her, like pinpricks of rain on her skin, and darkness crouched in the corner of her vision. It would be so much easier to let it overtake her, just let go—

No. She wouldn't. Couldn't. She had more than just herself to think of now; she had Elon.

Carissa twisted her head to the side, away from his mouth. When Algernon moved to resume the kiss, she tipped her chin down and rammed her forehead into his nose. After a crunch, followed by a pained hiss, Carissa tore away from his loosened grip. He reached for her, and she grabbed his wrist before twisting his arm behind his back. Once she felt him stiffen in pain, she shoved him away from her.

"Get out."

He glanced over his shoulder at her. "Cariss—"

"After what you've done to me and how you've touched me, I don't want to speak to you, not even to receive an apology." Something tickled her cheek, and she brushed her fingers against her skin. They came away wet with tears, and Carissa suppressed a bout of frustration. She couldn't afford to show weakness, not now and certainly not to him.

He opened his mouth, but Carissa jabbed a finger towards the tent entryway. "Leave."

He paused once more, regret eclipsing his drunken stupor, and then he left.

Carissa managed to remain standing for the span of ten heartbeats. And then she sank to her knees, regret and bitterness shredding through her chest like a ravenous monster. A sob burst from her lips, then another. They eagerly clambered up her throat, desperate to be released.

How dare he stumble into her tent and nearly violate her? How dare Elon not do... something? He could have warned her or remained at the camp. Was he so cruel that he would allow this just to test her devotion to him?

But perhaps this was her fault.

She'd allowed herself to hesitate, which had allowed Algernon to take their interaction farther than it should have gone. As Elon's wife, there should have been no hesitation in pushing another man away. In that regard, she'd proved herself to be more a traitor to Elon than Algernon had.

Anger, grief, and regret snagged the corners of her heart, pulling in opposite directions. Her emotions threatened to rip her apart into bloody pieces, but she didn't know how to make them stop.

And so she cried until she had no more tears left, until the only evidence of her sobs was her aching throat and the hollowness inside her chest.

She dragged herself onto the cot and pulled the blanket over herself. She remained there, curled tightly with her knees pressed to her chest. Though she was angry, she wanted Elon to come back. Though she knew it was a foolish hope, she kept her gaze fixed on the tent flaps, waiting for Elon.

But he never came.


Author's Note: I am so, so sorry this is late! It was uploaded to WattPad as a draft, and I thought I'd published it. Apparently not. :P Just so you know, I'll post a chapter today, as well as Wednesday and Friday. Happy reading!

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