Awaiting Execution: Part 1

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Three Days Later

A thin ribbon of gray streamed from the horizon into the sky, and Carissa's breath caught. "Are those campfires?"

The group was slow to respond. After three days of traveling through bare, blackened forests, sleeping on dirt, and not having access to fresh water, she wasn't surprised. They were all exhausted—even Elon, though not so much so that he'd ceased flirting with her.

They'd left in a hurry, when Viltus had been out hunting. Hopefully he would understand. And she could always visit with them on the way back.

Lyron was the first to respond to her question. He lifted his head, and surprise splashed across his features. Then a wide grin eclipsed all other emotions, and he urged his horse to go faster. "We're almost there!"

His words roused the others back to life, and as if sensing their sudden eagerness, their horses quickened their pace.

Elon edged closer to her and rugged on her reigns, so that her horse slowed. "Use caution, love."

What could Elon see ahead that they couldn't? Was there danger along the way?

Elon smiled. "You're staring at me—not that I'm surprised."

Carissa arched her eyebrows. "You know why I'm looking at you."

"Because I'm irresistibly attractive, of course."

"No—I mean, yes, but that's not—" She sighed. "I just want to know what's ahead."

Elon's gaze darted away from hers. "Let's just say we should probably catch up with the rest of the group." And with that, he spurred his horse ahead.

Elon. What was she going to do with him?

As they neared, Carissa caught sight of wagons and tents above the treetops. But these tents weren't like the ones at Viltus' camp. These were tall and expertly constructed—almost like one would expect at a fair. The fabrics were brown and patched but appeared sturdy.

As they drew near enough to distinguish people walking amongst the tents, Lyron shouted, "I'm here! I came back! Mother, father!"

A few figures raced towards him, and unease prickled along her skin. They'd made it safely, but she knew Elon was never wrong. There was still danger afoot.
Carissa began to follow Lyron, but Elon's shout stopped her.

She finally saw the danger he'd seen miles away: all the men along the border of the camp had their bows drawn and armed with arrows.

One man's arm flexed as he released the arrow, she realized it was already too late. She could neither move fast nor far enough to escape the coming bite of the arrowhead.

Elon crashed into her side, and they both fell off her horse before hitting the ground.

There was a wet thunk as arrow pierced flesh, and Carissa glanced past Elon to see an arrow embed itself into the horse's flank. The horse tossed its head and began to buck, its hooves hitting the ground dangerously close to them.

Elon smothered her against the ground, tucking her head beneath his chin so that not a single part of her was exposed.

As the horse continued to snort and thrash, Elon grunted, his entire body tensing. More arrows whistled through the air around them.

Elon's chest vibrated against hers as he spoke softly, "I've been wanting to be this close to you since three nights ago, but this wasn't quite how I imagined it."

Carissa released a breathy laugh and thought about scolding him for flirting under such dire circumstances, but she knew it'd do little good.

Finally, the world around them quieted, and Elon lifted himself from her. Once relieved of his weight, she sucked in a breath of air. She thought he'd tease her, but Elon's expression was tense as he sat up, his hair disheveled.

She glanced towards the tents, where a row of men held their bows, all aimed towards them. Lyron stood there, held back by an older woman, his face pale with shock as his gaze darted from them to the archers and back.

Kybelle and Algernon were nowhere to be seen. Perhaps they'd fled when the archers had begun shooting.

The horse Elon had pushed her off of was on its side, pierced by at least six arrows. Its chest still heaved with breath, its ears flicking slightly.

Sorrow clamped Carissa's throat at the sight. They'd mortally wounded her horse without reason. Why had the archers shot at their group—even before speaking to them?

One archer stepped forward, his arrow nocked and ready. "Remain still or I'll shoot."

Elon nodded. "Right, because that worked out so well a few moments ago."
Carissa glanced at Elon. His shirt was in shreds, a few arrows clinging to the fabric. But his skin was perfectly unblemished. It seemed he'd protected her from both the horse's hooves and the arrows.

The man continued, unfazed, "They've warned us of your coming."

As he drew the arrow back farther, Elon angled his body so he shielded her. "Who warned you?" Elon asked.


Carissa felt her chest seize, denying her both inhale and exhale. Tervalyn? The lady-in-waiting-turned-Reaper? That filthy Esmeranian. Carissa had spared her, and this was how Tervalyn repaid her?

Elon replied, "Tervalyn is a Reaper, of the same stock as those who stole Lyron from you."

The man's grip on the drawn arrow was weakening; Carissa could tell by how the bow quivered slightly. "She said you bring death and destruction. Would you deny this?"

Elon's lips seamed. "I would counter by saying that death and destruction sometimes come before life and renewal."

"Then you admit it," the archer snarled. "And I will kill you where you stand."


Author's Note: Oh no! Another cliff hanger? Bet you didn't see that coming. Ha. Haha. As usual, sneak peak is in my bio. Enjoy the rest of your spring break!

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