Tested: Part 3

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Carissa woke just as the sky had begun to darken.

She rolled out of bed and rushed to the flaps of her tent. Though the dim light smeared the details, she could finally see her surroundings. Thick clusters of twisted trees nearly blocked out the gray sky. The ground was stripped bare, save for webs of twisted tree roots and withered clumps of grass. It seemed when the border had swept over the land it'd chewed the life out of it before spitting it back out. Carissa tipped her head back to glance at the patch of sky above. There were no stars, sun, or moon. Just a blanket of gray.

She could finally see Esmeray, and it seemed there wasn't much to see after all.

Carissa stared at the beaten landscape, something withering inside her, as the darkness drained the last dregs of light from the sky.

Zorelle walked up to her and followed her gaze. "You'll like it better the farther inland we go."

Carissa shook her head but didn't speak.

"When the darkness first comes, it destroys all in its path, but after a few years, the vegetation learns to adapt. It comes back. Once we're in the heart of Esmeray, you'll likely find our forests even thicker than yours."

"What good will that do if it's too dark to see them?"

Zorelle's lips slipped into a smile. "That's only because your eyes are still adjusting, dear. I used to be like you. I only saw black when I was first brought to Esmeray as a little girl. But eventually your eyes adjust, and you no longer see light and dark. You simply see shades of gray."

"I'm not sure that's any better."

Zorelle shrugged. "Darkness and light both blind you. At least in the gray, you can see things for yourself."

Carissa turned to face her. "You said you were brought here as a girl. You're not from Esmeray?"

The intensity of Zorelle's red eyes seemed to fade as she glanced past Carissa. "No, I'm not."

"Then how—"

"You remember the stories they used to tell you? How your parents whispered tales of what happened to little children who wandered too near the border?" Zorelle's smile returned, but it was bitter this time. "The stories were true."

Carissa shook her head. "But why would you go near the border?"

"Desperation and a dare." Zorelle shook her head, her eyes losing their glaze. "We're packing up camp. I hope you're ready to travel." She pivoted, leaving Carissa with more questions than answers.


A howl pierced the air, and a chill washed over her. Carissa reined her horse to a halt, her eyes scanning the darkness. If only she had a weapon. She stared at the darkness before nudging her horse forward. They'd been traveling for a few hours, and her legs had grown numb long ago. Hunger gnawed at her stomach. She'd eaten all of the hardtack from earlier but hadn't managed to steal any more.

In the wagon ahead of her, a few children huddled together and whispered. One muttered, "Yare wolves..."

It seemed the howling had doused the entire group in silence. After a few moments, a chorus of howls sounded behind them.

Zorelle yanked her horse to a halt, and the entire entourage stopped. She sneered at the servants. "Humans. Can't keep their emotions under control." She gestured to one of the Reapers. "Get the herbs out and drug them."

Carissa clenched the reins. Would they try to drug her as well? What would the drug to do her?

The Reaper approached a wagon and opened up a crate. He emerged with a bag before sticking his hand inside and withdrawing a cluster of green flakes. He poured a little into one servant's hand. The servant tossed them in his mouth with a grimace, swished, and swallowed. How did they get the servants to be so compliant?

"No questions, Carissa?"

Carissa startled and glanced to her left, where Zorelle sat atop her horse. She hadn't even heard her approach. "What do you mean?" Carissa turned to watch a mother coax her child to swallow the flakes.

"You think I'm barbaric for drugging them."

Carissa shrugged. "Your actions speak for themselves."

Zorelle snorted. "You don't even know what we're giving them."

"Then tell me."

"It's called Y'thapa. It dulls one's emotions—primarily fear. We use it if there are Yare wolves nearby."


"Yare wolves smell fear better than they do blood, and humans reek of fear." Zorelle's gaze cut to Carissa. "Which is why you'll take the Y'thapa when they give it to you. If you don't, you'll practically be beckoning the pack to our group. And their deaths will be on your head. Have I made myself clear?"

Carissa nodded.

"I'm glad we understand each other." Zorelle kicked her horse and returned to the front.

When the Reaper came to Carissa, she took the herb flakes, tossed them in her mouth. As soon as the Reaper's back was turned, she spat them onto the ground. Even if Zorelle spoke true, she couldn't afford to let the Reapers drug her. She needed to be fully alert. She'd just have to control her fear.

"If Zorelle finds out, she'll kill you."

Carissa's heart stuttered as she turned. People really ought to stop sneaking up on her like that. A young boy walked next to her horse. He glanced up, and she felt a flash of recognition. He'd helped the Reaper who had captured them.

Carissa shook her head. "I'm too valuable for that. But you won't tell my secret, will you?"

He shook his head. "Not unless the Yare wolves come closer." When he glanced at her, his blue eyes flickered with curiosity and suspicion. He reminded her so much of Aleck. Perhaps she could persuade him to escape with her and Elon.

She smiled at him. "What's your name?"


"And that's your real name?"

He snorted. "You are a peculiar one. Why would I give you a false name?"

Carissa shrugged. So maybe he wasn't exactly like Aleck.

"Just remember what I said about keeping your secret. I can't have you putting everyone in danger." He stared at her until she nodded her assent. Then he quickened his stride before leaping onto the tailgate of one of the wagons.

Another wolf howl split the air, and Carissa felt the beat of her heart quicken. She touched two fingers to her neck, feeling the race of her pulse. After a few deep breaths, it slowed. Perhaps she should seek Elon's advice on whether or not she should take the herb. After all, she didn't want anyone hurt on her account.

Movement in the trees caught her eye. Her hand went to her belt before she remembered—once more—that she was unarmed. She fixed her gaze on the spot, but nothing else moved. Until she was able to see Elon, she'd just have to keep her fear under control.

How hard could it be?


Author's Note: I cobbled together a sneak peek for you guys this time! Since tomorrow's my 20th birthday, consider this my way of celebrating with you guys ;)

For those of you who don't know, a sneak peek is a preview of the next chapter. You can find the link for it in my profile, which will take you to my blog. Hope you enjoy it!

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