Only a Matter of Time

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She wrapped her arms around his neck. "But I just got here."

"You're not supposed to stay here, Carissa. Not yet."

"Then how long?" She let her nose barely touch his. "I don't want to be apart from you anymore."

"I know." He rubbed his knuckles along her cheek. "I have something to tell you that might help you back in Esmeray."

She didn't want information that would help her in Esmeray, because that meant she was truly going back. But she had to trust Elon, and Elon had said that she would return to him. "What is it?"

"The Reaper King has part of the Gifting." He drew back and tapped her on the nose. "Don't forget that."

She already knew that; what was the point in reminding her? How would that help her?

Then Elon's lips touched hers, and the questions were dashed from her mind. His touch was so gentle and his caresses so sweet that it made her heart ache. To think she'd soon have to leave his embrace.

When they parted, she knew from the look in his eyes that he was going to ask her to leave. Pain rolled off her in waves. These few moments had been so blissfully happy, standing in stark contrast to the bleak days behind her and before her. But Elon had asked her to trust him, so she would.

When Elon rose and offered her a hand, she took it. They waded back through the long grass, rippling beneath the wind's caress, to the area she'd first appeared.

She squeezed Elon's hand. "I can't wait to see you again."

Elon drew his fingers down her jawline, his touch so soft and light that it was almost ticklish. "It's only a matter of time, Carissa."

To be separated from Elon was agony but eternal separation would have been torture. At least she was coming back.

One moment, Elon was there, their fingers threaded together, his gaze holding hers, his expression soft and gentle.

And then she blinked.

The next moment, she was staring up at the ceiling. She could feel the filth on her cheek, beneath her fingernails, coating her clothes. Mera's corpse had begun to reek, and her body was stiff as wood.

Carissa sat up and tried to hold back tears. Her heart was cramping, her throat tightening with sorrow. Even if she couldn't have gone back to that beautiful field, she would have given anything to have Elon with her here, now, in this filthy cell.

"Only a matter of time," she whispered to herself.

Yet seconds without him seemed like eternities. She took slow deep breaths until the pain in her chest eased slightly. Elon hadn't sent her back simply to cause her pain; he'd sent her back with a purpose. She would live whatever life she had left with dignity—whether that was one day or ten thousand. She would honor Elon's death through her life.


Carissa glanced up just as Ryther appeared at the cell bars. "I don't imagine you know of a way out of here, do you?"

Ryther's gaze sank to Mera's body. "Is she–she—"

"She's dead, but she's fine." At Ryther confused look, Carissa continued, "Trust me, she's better off than either of us."


"So you're going to help me escape?"

Ryther leaned against the bars of the cell. "I'm not entirely certain that helping you escape is worth the risk."

Anger seared away her sorrow; she could feel it boiling inside her chest. "You think you might die? And where were you, a few hours ago? While I was risking my life—"

"You couldn't kill the Reaper King, Carissa. I needed you to kill the Reaper King. Now I doubt that you're capable of doing so. Perhaps Elon might have... but not you."

"So you're not going to release me because you don't think I can kill the Reaper King? Perhaps not, but we can certainly try to—"

"I think not. The only reason I assisted you was in hopes that you could kill my father. But even so, I'm not completely out of options." He tapped his fingers against the bar of the cell, creating a ringing noise. "I hear that there a girl who wields sunlight like it's a weapon. Perhaps with some proper training—"

Carissa leapt to her feet. "Don't you dare touch her."

"Yes, I'd heard that your paths had crossed with her some time ago." He stopped tapping the bars, letting the noise echo throughout the dungeons until it died. "You're rather naïve—for both a former nightwoman and a Queen of Nysia." He grinned. "Though you did have me worried at first. You were so suspicious, that I didn't think you'd ever agree to trust me."

Something sour churned in Carissa's stomach. "You don't want to kill the Reaper King to free the people, do you?"

"Silly, Carissa. What do you think happens when the king dies?" Ryther's grin was bright in the dim of the cell. "The prince takes his place."

Carissa clenched her jaw until the pressure made her head ache. "You don't have to choose this, Ryther. Even though you were born as a Reaper—"

"Was I, Carissa?" He propped his shoulder against the cell bars. "We all have a choice. And I've made mine."

So he wasn't born as a Reaper; yet another lie. "And what about Tian? Is he as deceitful as you?"

"No. But he's as naïve as you. But I'm rather fond of him, so I try to shield him from my true nature when I can."

"Tian wasn't knocked unconscious during a fight, was he?"

"Oh, he was. I just failed to mention that the fight was with me. I tried to hide it, but he saw me picking up fragments of the Nephesh. You might not know this, but a powerful Reaper can piece a Nephesh back together. He began asking too many questions, and I knew his foolish feelings for that girl would prompt him to tell you both what he ought not." Ryther sighed. "As stated before, I am rather fond of him, so I decided to render him unconscious rather than kill him."

"If you have no further need of me, why tell me this?"

"I just wanted you to know before your death who it was that bested you." He pushed off the bars and waved. "Farewell, Carissa. Perhaps next time, you'll listen to that ring of yours." His grin resurfaced. "Though I highly doubt that there will be a next time."

And then he was gone, his footsteps echoing as he strolled away from her cell.


Author's Note: Sorry about the late chapter! But I actually have a good excuse this time: it's my 21st birthday! :) I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and the sneak peek is up and ready.

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