Searching in the Dark: Part 1

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As Carissa wandered through camp in search of food, Elon trailing behind her, she heard someone yell, "Carissa!" She turned just as Lyron ran up to her, a large grin on his face. "My family has a wagon. You could ride on ours until we make camp tonight."

Carissa buried a cringe. "You're certain your parents would permit this?" After all, Lyron's father had taken the lead in trying to kill them.

Lyron's excitement dimmed. "Well, I don't know.

Elon moved forward to ruffle Lyron's hair. "We appreciate the offer, Lyron, but I think your parents need a bit of processing time concerning the Elders' decision."

Lyron scowled and patted his hair back down. "I don't see why. They know you're the ones who brought me back. Shouldn't that be enough for them?"

"What Tervalyn told them has scared them. They'll just need time." Something whistled through the air, and Elon's hand flashed out, his fingers curling around an object.

Carissa glanced around at the crowd, noticing the hostile expressions the caravan members shot at them. Had someone thrown something at them?

Elon's fingers unfurled, revealing a rock. "And it seems the rest of the caravan will need time as well." He tossed the rock aside.

Carissa stared at the rock Elon had cast away, a cold lump balling in her chest. She glanced up, searching for their assailant. Some members of the caravan returned their gazes, hostility flaring in their eyes, while others glanced away. She'd been ostracized before—in her village on account on her curse and in the palace on account of her common blood. But no one had actively moved to harm her.

Elon interwove his fingers with hers. "Come, Carissa. Let's not keep the Elder waiting."


The wagon finally lurched to a halt as the Elder shouted, "We will stop here to water the horses. The streams will become scarce as we near the capital."

Carissa pulled the blanket off her head, which she'd used to protect her from the dust, and blinked against the brightness of the sky. Whenever the caravan began traveling, the dirt they stirred up was enough to cover the vicinity in a brown fog. Even though she'd covered her face with the blanket, dust still gritted between her teeth and irritated her eyes.

When she'd been traveling in a smaller party, the dirt had been irritating, but they'd never stirred up this much.

A few people were coughing and dusting themselves off as they helped their children down from the wagons. Mera sat on opposite side of the wagon, flapping her hand to clear the air. Though the girl wasn't so preoccupied that she'd forgotten to glare at them.

Carissa suppressed a bout of rather unflattering thoughts about Mera as Elon helped her off the wagon and began brushing the hay and dirt from her pants. Though he offered a hand to Mera, she ignored him and slid off the wagon on her own.

Elon shrugged before taking Carissa's hand and guiding her towards the edge of the stream. In truth, it was little more than a creek. The water was shallow enough that she could have crossed it in boots and not gotten wet.

Coldness splashed across her face, and she gasped as her gaze swung towards Elon.

He grinned. "What? Your face is dirty."

"Hilarious, Elon." She sat back on her haunches. "As soon as we begin traveling again, all of the dirt the caravan stirs up is going to stick to my wet face."

He shrugged. "Then dry it off."

Carissa spread her hands, gesturing to her filthy clothing. "With what? Everything's covered in dirt."

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