Day 1: Reason 1

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There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.


The orphanage always seems to be loud and full on Sunday mornings. Most children, who are years younger than me, get ready for the very familiar yellow bus. Why I get ready for the long walk to school. The workers always give kids at the age of 10, to pick their own road. If they want to continue school or drop out. More than half always choose to drop out.

I'm known to be the only orphan that made it to High School, without drugs or dropping out. Once they start on drugs or they drop out, they're sent out. That depends on your age. I don't know why I choose not to drop out, but I did, and I don't think I'll regret it anytime soon.

"When do you think mama, and papa, are going to come and adopt me?" Alex asks, his black hair sticking out in spikes.

He always seems to make me smile, I don't know why. His hands sticky with jam, as he pulls at my shirt.

At the age of four, he found out his parents left him on the stairs of the orphanage. Sometimes he reminds me of Lewis, from Meet the Robinson. They both have thick glasses and an imaginative young mind. Except for Alex here, he wants to be a writer. His books are beyond brilliant. He finds the bright side of everything and for me a little brother that I love so much. More than I've ever loved anything in this world. More than I love music.

"Josephine!" He whispers tugging at my sleeve and I shake my head looking at him.

"Yes, Alex. The right family will adopt you soon. You'll have your own room and your own family.

"Ok?" He smiles up at me as he licks jam off his fingers. When this kid grows up, he's going to be amazing. The doorbell rings alarming the whole orphanage, but with everyone in chaos, I'm the only one that hears it. As I walk towards it, making my way through tiny kids running around. A mess everywhere. Alex on my shoulders keeps playing with my hair, twirling it in his fingers and fluffing on it.

"You're early," I say as I open the door to see the guy from the cliff. Never really got his name.

"Hey, Josephine!" He walks into the mess of an orphanage, and I readily let him in.

As he walks in the whole orphanage goes quiet like we are all thought. Every kid goes in a straight tidy line, the youngest at the front of the oldest.

"It's okay guys. His just a friend." They all go back to what they were doing, and cliff guy comes in.

"Hi?" Alex says from above me and I finally drop him.

"This is Alex." I introduce, and he kneels to meet the little guys level.

"Hey, buddy." He slowly says.

"Look, Alex. Your bus is here, you have to go to school." He nods at me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you, Josephine."

"Love you too Alex," I whisper and kiss him back on his cheek. The whole orphanage slowly goes quiet and silent as everyone runs to their different busses. As Alex tries to squeeze himself through the crowd and fails. I run up to him and carry him to his bus.

"Thank you!" He whispers, and I give him a short kiss on the cheek.

"See you later," I say, and the bus door closes as he moves away. I love that kid.

"First day Josephine." Cliff guy says, and his eyes widen. "Alex."

"What?" I ask confused and his smile widens in victory.

"Your first reason is Alex. You shouldn't die because you really like that kid, Alex. When you're gone his going to miss, you allot"

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