Day 9: Reason 9

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One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain


Camille came on Saturday, but she's still so quiet. The only people she ever talks to are, Alex and Jo. If she's not talking, she's drawing, and her art aren't scribbles. She never uses color. She uses charcoal. Which makes her art dark?

I'm good at drawing, but I love music. I can't draw a straight line even if my life depended on it. I remember a tune, a slow tune. It went slow, then it just increased, and a high tune took over. A violin.

I close my eyes and my hands take over as I try my best to remember the tune. My hands moving faster and the music reaching my ears making me smile. As the song starts to take over I hear the opening of the door, and I immediately drop the violin.

The girl that I saw some days ago walks in. She sees me sitting next to the window and ignores me walking towards the piano. "Continue!" She states, her hands moving above the keyboard keys.

I look around the room, again trying to see if there is someone else. But when I find her eyes again, her eyebrows are strained and raised.

"Continue!" She states again, and I move my hands towards the violin. I start playing and before I know it, the sound of the piano joins in. It mixes so well.

As I close my eyes and my hands start taking over. The door opens, making me growl as she chuckles.

"Maybe we could do this some other time?" She asks walking up to me and showing me her hand for shaking. Alan, that just walked in, watches us closely. As I shake her hands and answer her question.

"That'll be cool!" I smile. She walks past Alan and walks it into the room as Alan walks in towards me. "You're really good, at the violin." I don't know what to say at his compliment, so I nod and smile.

"9th reason. Music!" I smile at him, but he frowns as he stands up and walks away.


Experienced Writer's block for a month, now.

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