Day 10: Reason 10

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  You must be the change you wish to see in the world


Yesterday Alan didn't look or even talk to me for the whole day. After he had told me the 9th reason, he just left, I don't know what I did. I tried everything, I ran up to him and casually started a conversation, but he never joined in. I threw spitballs at his face in class, left notes in his locker and last of all I even followed him to his house.

He just looked at me and continued with whatever he was doing, like I turned invisible. I have no idea what I did wrong, I don't want our last day together to be of him holding a grudge against me. Two more days before school ends and two more reasons left.

"I can't wait to get this year over with. I'm so done with school." I explain as I breath out some air through my mouth. When he doesn't answer or smile back I grab him and shake him.

"I'm done, what's wrong with you?" I ask as I look up at him. I drop my head on his lap and face him. "Alan?"

"I don't want the year to end." I look at him confused, who'll want to stay in high school. "Why?"

"Well, I don't think I'm ready to go out there. The big bad world. The future." He says chuckling to himself.

"John Galsworthy says, If you don't think about the future, you won't have one." He smiles as his hands go through my hair. Something that he always does whenever his stressed. "Since when did you start reading quotes and who exactly is John Galsworthy?"

I laugh as I answer his question, "I seriously don't know who he is." He joins is laughing, as his hands start going through my hair again. "10th reason, The World," I say looking up at him. "Who said you gave the reasons?" He asks raising one eyebrow at me with his normal smug smile.

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