Day 7: Reason 7

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Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul  


Today is Saturday the busiest day in the Orphanage. New kids arrive, and old kids are taken away.

I stand at the open desk as each child is inspected. With nobody adopting a kid my age, I sit in the secretary post. Talking to parents.

"Josephine! This is a new one. Her name's Camille Johnson. She's a troublemaker." Officer Jones says.

Next to him is a cute 2/3-year-old girl. Her blond hair is messy and everywhere and her clothes are torn and stained.

"What happened to her?" I ask him. He looks at the young girl and he looks back at me.

"I think she's wounded for life. She saw her parents both die right in front of her. Both shot in the head." He whispers sadly.

"She ran away, and we found her in an alley laying down asleep." I stare Down at the little girl. Her face is hardened into a frown even with me giving her a small smile. She stares at me like she's trying to figure me out. Then she looks away.

"If she needs anything, call me. Her name is Camille." Here I am thinking I have it bad. A young girl here saw her parent die in front of her. She must be filled with shock. I just wish I know what's going on in her head.

"Hey, Camille?" I ask looking down at the little girl. "How old are you?" Her big eyes just stare at me silently, and she looks away.

"Camille?" She turns around and stares at me. Quietly then she starts crying. She's crying, and everyone is staring at her including me. I have no idea what to do. I walk up to her and take her in my hands resting her head on my shoulders. I feel her tears on my skin as I walk her into an empty room.

"What's wrong?" I silently ask dropping her on the floor. She clings to my skirt and cleans her face on it. "I miss my mama!" She says quietly.

Her voice is smooth and clean even with her crying. "It's going to be okay," I answer not knowing what I'll say that man her stop crying.

The door behinds us creak open and we look behind us to see Jo coming in. Behind her is Alan. I walk out the door as Jo walks in towards Camille. Alan follows behind me and we walk into my room. "She's so strong." I start.

"Here I am thinking I have it hard and she watched her parents die in front of her," I whisper sadly to myself.

Alan takes his place next to me, and I lean my head on his shoulder. Making him stiffen underneath me. Weird. "Reason 7." He stated finally. "People out there have it worse than you." 

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