The After-care

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In which Maz seems to spoil me for no reason what so ever. Don't question it, I'm not.

Also, we all laughed at Nikki Minaj and her Nyquil lyrics but dude seriously put me instantly to sleep by dick power alone. Colour me impressed... and slightly sore.


Do you know the feeling of being woken up by a semi-massage from a super hot Incubus who then gives you breakfast in bed?


That sucks, because I sure do.

I was woken up by someone rubbing my back. It was odd and highly unusual but large hands rubbed at my slightly sore muscles. Those magic fingers seemed to melt away any remnants of lingering tension and aches my muscles might have held from being twisted like a goddamned pretzel. At that I found a bit of a smile on my face. Ethel got properly serviced and fuck did Maz know how to eat.

"Ethel, you must get up. You need to replenish your fluids and nourish your body." His voice was like smokey satin against my bare back as his fingers dug into my lower back. I let out a pleased little groan. "Do not start that. I have fed well and if I take anymore I shall become a glutton for it." His hand retreated and I stuck my bottom lip out before I cracked my eyes open and turned my head to peer up at Maz.

"Isn't that the point?" I was fairly positive sex demons wanted to be gluttons for pleasure. It seemed pretty contradictory to not want sex or pleasure when one was a literal sex demon.

"It would be merely a movements of flesh. I do not imbue in females unless I need energy. Anything else brings me discomfort." His voice was like a rasp of velvet over my skin and I shivered. I was kind of copping to the idea of him being a demon. I knew for a fact that no human could ever make me feel the way he did. The guy felt like he had eight arms and he had been utterly focused on pleasing me, rather than chasing his own end. "Up. I know I have drained you so you need to recharge." His phrasing had my mouth twitching upwards. I was honestly pissed I had forgotten the first round with him tumbling around in my bed because the second round was heavily glorious.

Who needed angels when a demon made you see heaven just as easy?

I fought back the sneaky libido that was trying to override my body because I was honestly a bit sore and I was hungry. I clutched the blanket up to my chest as I slowly rolled over. The action seemed a bit childish but I pushed it away. I was allowed to be a bit modest. I was still technically a virgin. I fought back a wide grin at that but couldn't help the small giggle that escaped. Me, thoroughly tumbled and fucked, was still the prudish virgin.

"Here." Maz's voice was pitched lower as he helped me to sitting, despite the fact I really didn't need help, and then placed a tray of food on my lap. I spotted the pancakes and had to bite the inside of my cheek hard to keep from laughing.

"Pancakes?" I swallowed my smile as best as I could even though it still tugged up the corners of my mouth relentlessly.

"You spoke about them in your sleep. I figured you were craving them." He gave a lazy shrug that made me become more than aware that he wasn't wearing a shirt. Oh yes, I had been dreaming about pancakes alright. One holy stack of them made of muscles and man, or in this case, demon.

"It is routine for a demon to bring someone breakfast in bed?" I picked up an orange slice he had carefully sliced for me and he shook his head.

"No but I felt the urge and so I did it." He watched me eat and it made me feel a little self-conscious. He was watching my mouth intently as I took each bite and I couldn't help but give him a look of 'what?'. He tilted his head. "Masticating has never appealed to me but watching your sweet lips wrap around each morsel with delight makes me rethink such a thing." He said it so blandly that I nearly choked. I sent him a glower and he sent me a look of confusion as if he didn't quite get why I was upset as my cheeks flared red.

F*ck Me (Modern Cliches, #2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ