The Bargain

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In which I make a deal with Maz. Wait, does me making a deal with a demon send me to Hell? Or does having sex with one do it? Or am I just doubly fucked in that regard? This is confusing. How does this work?


I stared at Maz, wondering for a brief moment about his sexual preferences. Would he even like the kinky shit or for that matter, was he like bisexual?

"Have you ever had sex with a guy?" I watched as he jolted, his eyes flying wide with surprise and shock before he levelled those dark depths at me.

"No." There was a heavy amount of censure to his voice and I move the tray off of my legs, setting it on the bedside table as I gave a small huff.

I lifted a foot and thumped it against his rock hard thigh in retaliation. "Look, Maz, I am new to this whole demon business. I don't know a damned thing about you guys. Don't get snippy with me for asking questions." Asking questions to prevent ignorance wasn't something to be discarded with attitude. It merited an answer.

He grabbed my ankles, holding my feet against his lap as he narrowed his eyes at me. "We have sexual preferences just as humans do. If an Incubus prefers the company of men, he will only be assigned those contracts. The same with a Succubus, if she prefers women, she will be assigned only female contracts. If they do not show preference they are assigned whatever contracts are available. If they prefer the opposite sex, they receive those contracts. I prefer the opposite sex." His voice was a low rumble as he stared at me and I hiked the blanket up further to cover myself as I blushed.

The stupid dick didn't have to sound like utter sin when he spoke. My nips were standing at attention from just a few words. Not fair. "What does it mean for you to become a glutton?" I knew he fed off of sexual pleasure, duh, but he had stated he didn't want to overfeed. Which, come on, for a sex demon that seemed like the first thing to do.

"It means I become addicted, go through the motions for the utter satisfaction. I become lazy and complacent. And at points I feel too full and become uncomfortable." He slowly rubbed his hands over my feet and I resisted the urge to kick him as he slowly looked down at them. "It also increases our appetites to an unhealthy level." His brows furrowed slightly. "Usually we feed off of sexual energy, ours mainly, but with this edict I now feed off of yours and yours only." He slid his hand up to my knee and at the motion I did kick him as I giggled. My knees were ticklish, there would be no touching them.

He didn't even react to my small kick as he slowly lay down before grabbing my thigh and yanking. I gave a small yelp as I was suddenly down the bed right beside him and he wrapped me up tight in his arms. "I wasn't aware of how intense the bond between us is. So when you make those soft little pants and breathy moans, it gives me a brief shoot of pleasure. Like a high." His voice rumbled from his ripped and muscled chest and into me leaving pleasurable little shudders in its wake. He stroked my hair from my face, looking at the strands intently as he rubbed them between his fingers. "Please refrain from doing so. I need to be able to think appropriately and not just about spreading your pale thighs to feast." I let out a small eep and my cheeks flushed a hot red at the words.

"If you don't want me making those sounds, don't do things that elicit them." I hissed the words at me but he ignored me as he slowly pushed the blanket down my chest, baring where the faint pale mark from his hand rested.

He skimmed his fingertips over it and I had to bite my lip hard to keep from making a sound as my cheeks blushed red. "I like contact. It grounds me. The edict ensures I require contact with you." He nuzzled my ear, his hot breath brushing the sensitive skin and I shuddered, closing my eyes tightly. It was getting very, very hard not to make those small little sounds he told me not to make.

"About this edict thing..." The straggled words escaped me and his fingers stopped their movements. I appreciated it, my fucking skin tingled where he touched it.

"It was made before I was created. Its a binding agreement that the two celestial bodies agreed to. Terms about humanity." He said it shortly before he pressed himself closer and inhaled deeply.

He was sniffing my hair.


I swallowed and opened my eyes, staring at the ceiling and doing my best to ignore the holy hunk of hotness laying in my bed. "Okay, and?" I needed to know a bit more about everything if I was going to understand this... well whatever the hell was between us.

"It is not just between demons and virgins. Its about pure individuals entirely. If two pure individual come together, it forms a marriage." He gave a small sigh and my mouth twitched. He sounded damn near blissful. It was kind of really hilarious. A demon, was blissful, because he sniffed my sweat, sex tangled hair... what a weirdo.

I fought down a grin. "So if you porked an angel-"

"I would never... pork an angel. They are disgusting. They shed feathers everywhere and prance and preen about living in the clouds. Disgusting." He sounded so disgusted that it made me chortle. He really didn't like the upstairs guys and for some reason that was absolutely hilarious to me. "But purity begets purity. A bond would be made." He held me a bit tighter before he slowly loosened his grip. "However, a continuation of our bond would irreversibly taint your soul. Despite it not being your fault, you would still suffer eternal consequences due to it." Well that was like a bucket of cold water over my head.

"So I am going to Hell?" That fucking sucked. I did literally nothing wrong. Fucking the demon was not my fault but it seemed like I was going to be punished regardless.

"You would, if we did nothing about the bond between us." He shifted on the bed, moving so he loomed over me slightly.

"You said it was from now until forever." I narrowed my eyes at him, wondering if I could trust anything he said if he was lying to me about simple things.

"I believed that to be true but I returned to Hell while you slept and did some reading. It seems there is a way for us to be separated." He slowly reached up and traced my bottom lip with a fingertip. I bit back the inhale I nearly gave at the action. I waited for him to elaborate and it took a few moments before he leaned down, brushing his lips against mine. I felt like my heart stopped and my cheeks once again went beet red as he lifted his head. "Let's make a bargain, Ethel." He purred the words out and I swallowed hard.

He was staring down at me so intensely that I wanted to squirm underneath his hot gaze. "You will help me break this bond and we shall leave each other amicably as possible. I will keep you thoroughly satisfied and you will keep me at full strength until we do as needs to be done." His thumb brushed across my lips and I fought very very hard to not lick it because I was so tempted to do just that.

"What is that?" My voice was a hushed little strangled whisper and he grinned, it looking more dangerous than sexy.

He leaned down, taking my lips with his once more until my head swam and my brain started to grow fuzzy before he pulled away, leaving me panting. He brushed his lips across my cheek and to my ear, leaving little licks of fire along the way. I shuddered at the hot breath that stroked my sensitive skin before teeth gently tugged on my ear lobe. "We kill the one who placed the mark on you." His chuckle sounded like sin, utter and complete sin before he rolled, forcing me to straddle his hips as he grasped my waist, his hands making me feel rather small.

His teeth gleamed white as he grinned up at me. "And we need to do it before I become a glutton for you." I let out another small eep as his hands stroked far too close to my breasts and I pressed my hands to his chest, unsure if I wanted to roll away from him or simply roll my hips like the painted strumpet he had called me.

Screw him becoming a glutton, I was going to become fat and lazy if he kept this shit up.

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