The Divine Argument

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In which Maz and I get a visitor of satanic origins before we discuss where to start our search for my potential killer and we get interrupted by an angel. Yes, an angel. In my apartment.

My life is turning out just peachy because who can say they met with an angel and a demon all in one life time? I mean I'm probably going to end up in hell if the angel is to be believed but a girl can gloat about her accomplishments.


Maz was immediately gone from the bed and I huffed, roling my eyes as I shifted off the bed. I grabbed his t-shirt from the floor and yanked it on before grabbing my house coat for good measure. Once I felt sufficiently covered I moved into the living room.

Only to see a large, red, horned demon, smelling of ash and fire, standing in front of Maz, speaking in Latin. Or what I assumed to be Latin. I wasn't quite up to date on any of my demonology. My mind fell to the books I had taken out of the library and I knew I would do my best to rectify that.

To my surprise I wasn't quite as freaked out to see the demon. Perhaps getting porked by one conditioned me into not being bothered. I internally rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms over my chest and moved closer. The demon glanced at me and to my surprise he looked almost... amused. He rattled something off towards a very naked Maz who reached out and popped him on his left horn while spitting something in a rather pissed off tone.

The demon glowered, rubbing his horn before he glanced at me once more. "Your request to have the information delivered has been denied. If you wish to know about your... mark, Mazvahr, you must speak to your in charge Elite with proof of mark in tow." The demon smirked before he disappeared, leaving the unmistakable smell of sulphur.

I wrinkled my nose at it, waving my hand in front of my face. "Friend of yours?" I looked at Maz, trying, and failing not to look at his delicious ass that I wanted to sink my teeth into. It was so muscular and looked so pert and firm.

"Delivery boy. Lower level demon." He heaved out a sigh before waving his hand, clothes appearing on his form. I raised an eyebrow at that as he turned around. "Do not give me that look, Ethel. You have made it known you are not a fan of casual nudity so I cover up." The words made me melt a little as I looked at him. How on earth was he so utterly perfect? How the fuck was I not going to fall for him when he did shit like that?

I was screwed. Well in more ways than one.

"He was letting me know that we would need to go to my Elite in order to find out who marked you." He let out a sigh, rubbing his forehead. I moved closer, feeling a strange urge to wrap my arms around him and comfort him. He looked at me, his gaze unreadable before he slowly opened his arms and I walked closer, pressing myself to his chest.

I wrapped my arms around him and inhaled his smokey spice scent deep into my lungs. "I take it your Elite is like your boss?" I looked up at him and he nodded, his fingers digging into my back as he held me tightly.

"It is but in order for my request to be acknowledged. I will need to bring you with me." He let out another sigh. "I do not wish to expose you to Hell, my mellilla." He actually sounded distressed and he pulled me tighter to his frame. I could feel his heart beating against me as he did so. The pace was faster than usual and I wondered if my demon was actually apprehensive about the idea of me going to Hell with him. It almost made me smile.

"You will be there." I looked up at him and his frown deepened.

"I cannot go to Hell in this form. I will need to revert back to what I am." He let me go, walking backwards several paces before avoiding my gaze entirely. It was a little strange watching him, he seriously looked worried.

F*ck Me (Modern Cliches, #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon