The Date Night

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In which Maz takes me out on a date. A literal date. To a restaurant. With people around. After he magically dressed me up in a far too expensive dress. And treated me like a goddamned princess.

I don't know about you but I am suspicious.


I felt odd... like in the sense that people were staring at me and I was sticking out like a goddamned sore thumb. I wasn't sure if it was me or if it was the dangerously sexy demon who was escorting me dressed in a tailored suit that had me, and I am sure many others, wanting to pant over him like a pack of bitches in heat. I wanted to bite my knuckle because holy fucking hell he was pure perfection in that black suit.

However that didn't explain if it was me or him people were looking at. I didn't know why they would be looking at me. Well that's kind of a lie. Who wouldn't look at the plain jane girl that had her arm tucked neatly into the crook of Dark Adonis's elbow? I was an oddity.

Why on earth would such a gorgeous man like Maz have such a plain woman tucked close to his side as he glowered at all the men who even glanced our way as if he were afraid I would be snatched from his reach?

To be honest, I didn't have a damn clue and I was feeling a little out of sorts. That wasn't even including how I was feeling dressed as I was. Maz had magically made me a plunging evening gown in a deep rich red, of all colours. It hugged curves I didn't even realize I had and it made me feel overly self-conscious about my body. It was one thing to be dressed in a body con dress while drunk and another entirely to be dressed in an eye catching evening gown on the arm of a guy who was a literal walking wet dream.

There was one thing that was in the back of my mind about the dress though. Maz had made it for me. With one wave of his hand he had me in it and I had all sorts of devious ideas running around inside of my head. As his wife, in the event of us being divorced, that meant I was entitled to half of his assets. The thought of having him make me an entire perfectly fitting wardrobe and perhaps giving me one of those handy little plastic money pits he called an obsidian credit card was highly tantalizing.

I smirked a little at that. I would be set for life, wouldn't have to work again and that was a very tempting prospect.

"What has given my mellilla that look?" Maz bent down, murmuring the words in my ear so intimately that my cheeks immediately flared red. I blamed it on a conditioned response. Usually when he spoke to me like that I would end up in my bedroom with him doing very wicked and depraved things to me.

I gave him a devious smile. "Thinking about how I can send you through the ringer in divorce court. I am finding myself to be overly pampered now and wish to live in the life in which you have made me accustomed." I blinked up at him as innocently as I could and I watched as the corner of his mouth twitched upwards, as if he were amused and slightly proud of my sudden greediness.

"Everything that I have is freely given to you, my mellilla. If you wish it, I shall do my best to bestow it upon you." He shifted his arm, shaking my grip off as he moved behind me. "Does my mellilla wish to be draped in jewels?" He slid his hand around my throat and I felt the sudden weight of a necklace wrapped around my throat and I barely bit back as gasp at the coldness of the metal against my skin. He moved me, his body shifting and turning with mine until I was looking at my reflection in a restaurant window.

The necklace was a choker, heavy jewels trailed from it and lay down across my collarbones. I knew it was more than likely real diamonds and sapphires and my breath hitched in my throat as I met Maz's gaze in the reflection. His eyes were nearly flaming as he loomed behind me. "Beautiful." He breathed it out, his lips brushing my ear lobe. His fingers brushed against the necklace, playing with the dangling jewels that lay across my collarbones. "My mellilla looks wondrous in such things. I shall provide her one for every day of the year if she wishes." I wanted to choke on the words because I knew the necklace I was wearing now was probably worth more than my entire year's salary.

"Would you like that?" He met my gaze in the reflection and I wanted to object. I wanted to say that I wasn't greedy and that I wanted so much more than that but I couldn't have Maz. I nodded because I knew I would only have his gifts after he was gone and I wanted to be greedy and surround myself in things that would remind me of him. He kissed my cheek gently, nuzzling it slightly as he slid his hands down my arms. "Then I shall do this for you, my mellilla." For some stupid reason I wanted to cry at his words. For a guy who was hell bent on getting away from me, he was acting particularly sweet.

He touched my chin, lifting my head slightly, giving my expression a look of superiority. "You must walk around like this because everyone else is truly beneath you." He gave me a smug smirk before once again turning to my side and tucking my hand into the crook of his elbow. "We mustn't be late for our reservation." His voice was slightly chiding as he covered my hand with his, pressing it gently to his arm.

My eyes narrowed at that. "About that, Maz. Why the hell are we going on a date?" I had been trying to pester him for the past two hours since he had told me about it. He hadn't caved at all. I had literally no reasonable explanation for the sudden urge for him to wine and dine me and he wasn't giving me any hints. At this point I was utterly and totally suspicious of his motives.

He gave me a rakishly charming smile as he looked down at me, squeezing my hand gently. "Can I not wish to spend time with my wife?" His look warmed me up from my chest all the way to the tips of my fingers and toes. It made me want to bury my face into his drool worthy chest and hold him tight to me forever.

Despite all that I narrowed my eyes further. "Soon to be ex-wife." I emphasized the word and he gave me a small and rather unbothered shrug.

"Then I need to ensure the last of our married days are memorable." He said it so casually that I wanted to shake him or scream in his face. I found a frown growing on my face. I didn't want Maz to leave me. I didn't want a divorce. I wanted him.

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