✱ chapter two

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miyoung pov

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miyoung pov

The rest of the day went by like a breeze. There were occasional bumps and glares from Jungkook, but other than that it was a good day.

Well, besides the fact that I have every single one of my classes with Jungkook. Whoever made these schedules can actually throw some rounds with me.

But on the bright side, Taehyung and Nayoung were in most of my classes. They both weren't in my last two periods.

At least I can gawk at Taehyung more.

Last year, I barely had any classes with him. At least administration did one thing right this year.

"Bye!" I called out to Nayoung, waving my hands vigorously. She giggled and waved shyly before turning around and heading the other direction.

Nayoung lives in the rich part of town while I live in the middle class part. Her dad is the CEO of some chemical company while her mom is a high-class lawyer. She's usually alone since her parents are always traveling, so her house is my second home.

My parents, on the other hand, don't have luxurious jobs. My dad works at a paper company and my mom runs a flower shop with my grandma & my aunt.

Guess who's father owns the paper company my dad works at?

Jungkook's. Surprise, surprise.

That's how we met. My dad is one of Mr. Jeon's favorite employees, and one day invited us over for dinner at their house.

Fun fact: Nayoung's house is right across Jungkook's house. That's how us two met.

Anyways, before we had come over, my dad had bragged to Mr. Jeon about how his daughter got first place in everything and that she's never gotten beaten by anyone before. Mr. Jeon retaliated and brought up his son.

I think what it was supposed to be was just a friendly competition between an employer and an employee, but Jungkook and I definitely did not see it that way.

Our competition was that we had to run around the outside of Jungkook's big ass house and then meet the parents. Whoever reached them first was titled "First Place."

Of course, me being the most competitive person ever and had never gotten beaten before, easily complied to the race. I had felt so confident I was going to beat that boy.

But in the end, I lost.

Ever since that day, Jungkook has beaten me in every little thing. He always gets first place in exams. He always answers the question in class before I do.He always wins the game of dodgeball. Even if he lets out a breath before I do, he'll let me know.

It's like it's his job to make sure I know I come second to him.

I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts about him. What's the point about thinking about him anyways? It's not like I'll beat him just by thinking.

"Miss Second Place." a voice whispered lowly behind me.

I jump and turn around to see Jungkook snickering at my reaction.

Speak of the Devil.

"Jungkook. Why are you walking down this way? Your house is the other way," I point to the direction Nayoung had previously walked down.

"I have a meeting with one of my father's clients. Apparently, they'd rather speak to me than the CEO himself." Jungkook scoffed.

Oh right, Jungkook's father is a mess. He always gets Jungkook involved in his affairs and meetings with his clients. As much as I despise Jungkook, his father has no right to use him to do his work.

I hummed and turned around to make my way home. After a couple of minutes of walking, I notice that Jungkook is still trailing behind me.

"Why are you still following me? Are you going to kidnap and kill me?" I ask. I purse my lips, "If you are, please don't."

"My stop is actually right here," he chuckles, pointing to a tall building next to us. I let out a sigh, immediately feeling the heat rush to my cheeks. "Don't worry Miss Second Place, I wouldn't dare dream of following you home. What a waste of time."

I clenched my fists as I watched him turn around and head towards the building, "Don't call me that!"

chapter two

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