✱ chapter fifteen

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miyoung pov

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miyoung pov

Today it was just going to be just Jungkook and I working on the poster today. I was worried to say the least, I wasn't sure how this whole thing was going to play out.

We were rivals for goodness sake, we couldn't go two seconds without bickering about the smallest thing. I was afraid that we would ruin the whole poster itself just because we would end up competing about which side of the poster was better or something like that.

Although as much as it tempted me to beat him in every small thing, I had to put that aside for the sake of our grade, for everyone in this group's grade.

Taehyung had offered himself to come over and help us out with the project, but Jungkook refused him and said that he had already done enough research and had done his good portion of the project.

I mean, I didn't mind Taehyung coming to help us out, but it seemed like Jungkook was worried about him doing too much work and told him no.

And Jaeun? Well thanks to Taehyung emailing the teacher, she had a special talk with the teacher and she was transferred to a different group.

She was angry alright.

But at least she won't be ripping out our notes any time soon.

I was setting up the materials in my room, waiting for Jungkook to come. He was supposed to come over twenty minutes ago, so I was a tad pissed.

I started to work on the poster when I heard the doorbell ring.


I skipped down the stairs and opened the door to reveal in all of his glory, Jeon Jungkook.

There he stood, a smug expression dancing across his face. His hands were stuffed in his pockets as he eyed me up and down.

"Let's get started, shall we Miss Second Place?"

I hissed and moved aside to let him in, kicking his leg while he was making his way in.

"Don't make this any more difficult then it needs to be," I muttered angrily, leading him up to my room. "Breathing the same air as you is already a pain in the ass, so let's just not get into any of that and get this stupid poster over with, alright?"

He sat on my bed while eyeing the materials that I had laid out on there. "Your parents?"

"Not here, they're at work."

"So we're alone?"

I scoffed, "Get your mind out of the gutter. Come on, let's get this over with."

I sat on my bed, gathering all the materials and showing him. "So these are the notes that I think we should put on here. Maybe not write the whole thing but summarize it enough that the teacher will know what it's over."

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