● bonus chapter

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hi friends! long time no see!🥴

i know back in december i said i would write a fourth special jungkook pov about the night of the dance but i haven't been able to do it due to life, school, work, and just everything really. i've decided not to write it because i really just want to mark complete on this book lol so instead i'm going to write this short bonus chapter of jungkook & miyoung now that they're in a ~relationship~ sorry guys! :,(

also a HUGE thank you for 230K reads! this is so wild, i love you guys so much. thank you for the love you've shown this shitty story lol.. lots & lots of love! 🥰

miyoung pov

It's officially  been two whole months since Jungkook and I have begun dating, and this has been the best two months of my whole life to say the least. When we first started the relationship, it was awkward. We had been hating each other for the past nine years and it was something that we were just used to, so now being in a relationship with someone you used to swear you hated was something I took some time getting used to.

Well, I at least found it awkward, since apparently I was the only one doing the hating.

The first couple of weeks was spent with shy dates, awkward hand-holdings, and shy kisses as well. But we soon got over that phase and are now known as that couple at school.

When we first came out as a couple at school, everyone's reaction was to immediately shock. Half of the school weren't surprised and had actually believed that we had been dating this entire time, while the other half of the school were shocked and thought we were playing some kind of prank on them.

Jaeun did not take the news very well. She, of course, threw a fit and claimed that we were doing this just to gain popularity.

"Okay, I think it's seriously time to get over yourself, Jaeun," I had said, watching her lips tremble and her eyebrows furrow. "I don't know why you're still going after him when he's shown over and over again that he is not interested."

She gasped, "I refuse to believe that Jungkook would pick you over—over me!"

"I mean I don't blame him," I shrugged. "No sane human would want to be with... well, you."

"Park Miyoung!" She screamed.

I sent her a lovely middle finger her way and left her in the middle of the hallway, stomping her feet and yelling at me that she would win Jungkook back one day.

Keep telling yourself that, sweaty.

And Taehyung, well, that was a roller-coaster of a ride.

He would not speak to either one of us for the first couple of weeks. Any time Jungkook or I would make a move to try and talk to him, he would immediately find a way out with interacting with us.

I was confused, angry, and hurt. But after much of fighting with myself, I let him be. I knew he was angry at me and at Jungkook.

I understood that I had hurt him. He had confessed his feelings to me and I had led him on, just to turn around, fall in love with his best friend and get into a relationship with him.

Although I don't regret who I chose to be with, I regret how I took everything. I was so dense, insensitive, and blind to everyone's feelings and had only thought about myself.

Finally I got Taehyung to talk to me. We spent two hours just sitting at the nearby café, talking about both of our mistakes and how we handled it.

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