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Star's POV:

"Okay what are we gonna do now?" Janna asked as we put our stuff down in my room.

So far once we left school and had our girls night we went to eat and went to an arcade and even the mall! We got Angie to drive us back because we weren't gonna walk fifteen minutes with bags in our hands.

"Well we could put on a little fashion show, or we could get fat and watch movies, or we could go with the flow and see what happens." I listed a few ideas. She seemed to think about it, bit then said, "I'll go get the food." And walked downstairs.

I laughed and picked out a movie, Janna won't even know.

I waited till she got to the room to start the movie and once she did I helped her with the amount of food she had.

I'm surprised she could carry it up the stairs...

"Okay. Lay the food on the bed. You got drinks right?" I asked. She threw her head back, "Sorry I forgot. Oops." She told me. I rolled my eyes, "I got it." I stated.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and went to the fridge and got some soda cans for the both of us, and by some I mean four.

Two for the both of us of course.

As I was about to go upstairs I caught a glimpse of the living room. Marco and Jackie there supposedly playing a boardgame, they were actually sucking each other's face off.

A made a 'tsk' sound and headed upstairs.

I saw Janna seated on my bed with her phone in her hands. She laughed when she saw me, "Did you see there heated make out seccion? I'm surprised they haven't passed out from lack of air!" She exclaimed. I rolled my eyes but laughed at her comment.

She put her phone away as I sat beside her. I gave her, her pop as we put the food between us. I played the movie and on the screen the title 'Forever Lasting Love' came up.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Janna look at me with a mad, accusing, and somewhat sad expression.

"I swear of this is another f*cking romance movie that ends out being really depressing I was hesitate to fight you." She stated in a serious tone.

At that moment Mrs. Diaz poked her head in while carrying a laundry basket. "Watch your profanity!" She scolded. Janna and I looked at each other biting back a laugh. "Sorry Mrs. D. It wasen't out intention." Janna said. Angie looked at us with a slight smile, "okay, okay."


She's a sucker for romance.

The movie was about this girl where she had a strange disease and she meets a boy they fall in love blah blah blah. The boy finds out and the girl explained why she didn't tell him and tried to not get attached to him. But they both got attached for one another. She said how she was gonna take the risk of the surgery but, she could die. Turns out she lived and blah, blah, blah. Happily ever after.

"GIRLS WHAT DID I SAY!" Angie yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "SORRY MRS. DIAZ!" I yelled back.

"Janna at least it had a happy ending. Not like the others." I mumbled the last part. She looked up at the me and cleaned her face with one of the last tissues she had. "I know but it was so touching and- and I don't even know ow why I'm crying." she cried out.

After she finished her emotional fit- which took like half an hour- we, well she, decided on no more movies but then Mrs, Diaz came in.

"Hey girls. Rafael finally got home I had a great idea. We will have a family game night." She exclaimed.

"Wait does that mean I have to go?" Janna asked. Angie thought about it. "Well don't take it the wrong way, but I haven't been around my kids for so long and decided to see what's been going on. Jackie already left." She explained.

"Do I have to join?" I asked in a whiny voice. She smiled at me, "of course Star. You're like part of the family." She said. I sighed and got my wand since I knew Janna wasen't gonna help me clean and my happy mood has now turned to a lazy mood since I have to probably actually have to talk to Marco.

"Ughhhh fiiine." I whined out dragging out the 'I' in fine. She chuckled and turned to head back down but not before exclaiming, "see you downstairs."

"Well there goes our sleepover." I mumbled with a pout as I blasted the trash of the snacks. Janna walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey. Just act natural and have fun." She stated. She then walked to my window. "Later Star!" She exclaimed and the crawled out. "Later Janna!" I yelled back.

Yay 'family' time with the Diaz's. Don't I love life. This won't be awkward at all...

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