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Star's POV:

"Okay. What're we gonna do with it?" I questioned. Marco chuckled, "Let's go adventures. Attack some monsters, travel dimensions! Anything! Let's have fun, like we use to do. " He exclaimed. I laughed, "Okay okay. Now where to go?"I pondered to myself.

"What about the bounce lounge? We haven't been there in a awhile." Marco suggested. I thought about it, " Yeah sure, let me just..." I got my phone and decided to invite my friend's.

P= Pony head. S= Star.

S: Hey, you guys want to go to the bounce lounge?

I assumed she was already with he crew and texting just her would be easier. If I joined the group chat everyone would join and we would start talking about random things and lose track of time, and end up not going.

As I waited for her reply I walked into my closet and looked for some different set of clothes. "Are you gonna change?" Marco asked from my room. "Yeah,' I hollered to him, "You should too." I heard him chuckle. "Nah. I'm good with my usual."

I rolled my eyes, of course, but a small smile still reached my face.

P: Yeah sure! We'll meet you there!

I chose a teal skater skirt with a white crop top, left my hair down but with my usual devil horned headband, and wore some white flats for shoes.

"Okay let's go. I invited so e friends over." I informed him as I got my star-shaped purse and put it over me.

I turned to look at Marco and saw his lips were slightly parted.

"Marco. Marco," he seemed like he was hypnotized. I walked up to him and waved a hand infront of his face.

"Marcooo," I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "Marco!" I shouted. He jumped a bit, surprised and started blinging as he snapped out from his trance.

"Wh- what?" He stuttered, wearing a tint of pink on his cheeks. Aww, how cute!

I smiled, "You were in some sort of trance, I was telling you that I invited my friend's, and that we should go." I repeated to him. "Y-yeah we should go. Uh i'm sorry about... That. Purposely, you look very beautiful." He said with a nervous smile.

I smiled as I felt my cheeks beginning to warm up. I didn't wan think to see me blushing so turned away from him.

"Okay well let's go!" He  exclaimed happily. To be honest I was actually still a bit nervous being with him. So much could change in a small amount time. It felt weird but I would have to get use to it.

I looked for my dimension scissors that had to be somewhere in my purse... I think.

"Come on," I mumbled to myself while looking. I the remembered I put them in the nightstand drawer beside my bed.

"Aha!" I exclaimed holding them up in victory. Marco chucked and shook his head. "Okay, let's do this." I cut into thin air making a portal.

"Let's go!" I grabbed Marco's wrist and dragged him in with me.

Once we crossed to the new world the portal closed. There was lights, tons of people, loud music, and a snack bar.

"Yo Star!" A singy songy voice yelled. I looked to where the voice came from and saw a ponyhead coming.

"Pony!" I yelled and hugged her. "Hey Star," she took a look at my guest then back at me.

"Well, let's get this party started!"

We instantly went to the dance floor- well I was dragging Marco- and began dancing.

"Come on Marco. Loosen up!" I shouted over the music. "Star, I do that know how to dance." He responded nervously. I laughed and took his hands in mine. "That doesn't matter Safe Kid. Just live. No one will judge you. Do your thing!"

He smiled as I started to twirl us around.

We started doing some random dances with the rythme of the blasting music.

After awhile we decided to take a break. We headed to the snack bar and ordered some drinks.

"Three hours dancing!" Marco exclaimed surprised. "Wow!" I responded with a laugh, "Who knew? The one that said couldn't dance, danced for three hours."

We laughed and took a sip of our drinks.

"You know it needs a little something," I stated taking out my wand. "Sparkle Bubble Firework Explosion!" I yelled pointing my wand at the sky, and right as the words came out, there were colorful fireworks surrounded by sparkles and bubbles. Everyone turned to look at the sky with smiles on their faces.

"Ha! Nice touch Star!" Marco hollered with a smile. I laughed, "Thanks! Not bad for not using it in like two months." I replied. It was a new spell that I came up with, it wasn't so bad. I thought the o e with kittens was a bit to... Well bad, so I changed it to bubbles and the explosion was just to have a lot more.

"You know. I haven't had this much fun in awhile." Marco stated.

I looked over at him to see him looking strait ahead of him, at the people dancing and having fun. "Not even with Jackie?" I questioned. He turned to look at me, "Nope. Not even with Jackie." You could tell he was being sincere.

We turned to look back at the people. "You know Marco," I broke the  comfortable moment of silence. "I haven't had this much fun either."


Oml! How do you think this was?

Hopefully you liked it and dont forget to...

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B Y E! T I L L N E X T T I ME 

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