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Marco's POV:

"So, how do we wake her up?" I questioned.

"Oh Marco. It's quite easy actually. If we made her forget memories with a potion, she can get it restored and wake up just fine with another one." Queen Moon responded.
She moved around and got some bottles that were filled with different color liquids.
"Do you need any help?" Jackie asked fiddling with her hands.
"Oh no," Moon wavered her off. "Not yet."

The queen mixed them up carefully as we just stood there and watched.

I'm guessing she was done when she poured the liquid into a cup and came beside Star.

"Okay so you all know. I am going to give Star this potion. It will help her wake up and even remember everything. She might have a little headache but it will pass over, and she might be a little weak. Otherwise she'll be fine." Moon explained.

She opened Star mouth and mumbled something under her breath that I didn't hear and started pouring the small amount of the potion.

"Okay, "She'll be up in a few minutes." Moon backed up and out the cup in place. "We'll just wait."

"Do you think she would be... Mad?" I asked Moon. She sighed, already knowing what I meant. "Honestly I think she might be. But we'll see." She responded.

Jackie, Tom, Ponyhead, and I all looked at each other.

"I'm going to go take care of something, i'll be right back. Tell me when she wakes up if she does." Moon said and excused herself.

We all turned to look at Star when Moon left.

"I so messed up didn't I?" Jackie said still looking ashamed.

"It's not your fault Jackie, You didn't know this would happen." Tom said and out a reassuring hand on her shoulder. She sighed, "I guess you're right but,"-she sighed- "But I still shouldn't have told her. It wasen't my place to."

Just then we all heard Star let out a groan which got our attention and made us turn to her.

She tossed in bed a little then suddenly laid still on her side.

"Star," I breathed out after a moment. I didn't get a response for a minute but then I saw her try to sit up.

I rushed to her side seeing as she was to weak to do it herself and helped her, then gave her a hug.

"Thank god you're okay, I thought something bad was going to happen to you." I said while I was still hugging her.

I parted away and backed up a little so she wouldn't feel to overwhelmed.

She looked around at all of us, but her eyes stayed on Jackie when she got to her.



Star opened up her arms and Jacket ran to give her a hug.

"I'm so sorry." Jackie kept murmuring while hugging her as Star just rubbed her back.

They parted and Star looked at her dead in the eye while grabbing her shoulders.
"Listen Jackie, none of it was your fault. You don't have to be sorry." Star spoke genuinely, like the kind and forgiving person she is.
Jackie sighed, "But Star-" she got cut off.

"No it's okay. We have bigger things to take care of. Toffee gone and soon to come. Where's my mom?" Star asked in a serious tone, which she didn't actually use much.

"Oh!" I chirped, "We have to call her."
I walked over to the mirror in the room.

"Call, Queen Moon."

"Calling Queen Moon." The mirror repeated.
They were a few rings before she actually responded.

"Is Star awake?" Was the first the she said when she answered with a concerned look on her face. I nodded my head, "Yeah she is. She woke up a few minutes ago." I replied and at that moment the screen went black and the door bursts open.

"Star, are you alright." Queen Moon rushed towards Star. Luckily Jackie was standing in the corner now or Moon would've pushed her over.
"Yes mom," Star laughed, "I'm okay."

"Oh good. Now I don't want to put any pressure on you now sweetheart, but we can't let Toffee come close and destroy all Mewni and everything else." Moon explained. Star nodded, "I know mom. Let's just do what we got to do to get this over with." Star said determined.
Moon smiled and put a hand on Star's shoulder, "That's my girl." She said proudly at her. Star smiled back and they seemed to have a good mother-daughter time at that moment.

"What's the plan?" Star asked going back to her serious tone, breaking the moment.

Moon fidgeted with her hands and avoided eye-contact. "Well Star- you see. There isn't... quite a plan." She responded nervously.

"Wait, what?" Star said confused. Honestly, i'm pretty sure we're all confused...

"Are we just going to sit here and wait till he comes or not. I thought you didn't want him coming even close to Mewni. " Star remarked. Moon sighed. "Listen Star. The goal is to not get him close. It's to defeat him. But he catch is that we need a plan and haven't thought of one. He smart and knows most about our magic." Moon explained.

"But there has to be something." Star insisted. Moon put a finger to her chin, as if she was thinking of something.

"Well there might just be one thing." Moon said sounding slightly uncertain, yet we all beamed up.

"What is it?" Star asked. "Yeah, whatever it is, i'm pretty sure we'll all help." Jackie added and we all nodded in agreement.

Moon let out a sigh, "Okay, it isn't the safest way," she looked at me when she said that. "But i'm positive it will work. Now let me explain..."


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