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Dedicated to all my fans, readers, commenters, and voters. Love you all!!

~Hope you Enjoy~

Glossaryck's POV:

I woke up early in the morning because of Star's mirror ringing. Star was still sleeping- since it was like five in the morning- so I answered.

I know that whenever the calls are this late it's for me, and that could it mean one thing.

It's the Queen.

I got up and groaned and stretched then went to answer.

"Hello my Queen." I bowed. She nodded her head, "Hello Glossaryck." You could tell she was stressed by her looks and her tone of voice.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She gave out a small sigh, "Star's been using magic hasen't she?" She asked, but it sounded more like a statement. I nodded, "Yes for less than like a week, she's been practicing." I informed her. She mumbled something under her breath, "I told her she was strong enough and didn't need to practice. They will find the her and the wand if she keeps this up. I know how strong she is she doesn't need to practice." She explained.

I nodded, "Yes my Queen I know, but she hasen't used it in a quite amount of time. She wants to get better in case these... goons come." I stated. "And you never told her to stop you just told her that they could find her." I added.

"And that exactly means to stop!" She exclaimed. I turned to check if Star woke up, but she was in a deep sleep.

I chuckled and shook my head, "You know how Star is. Even if you tell her exactly to stop, she won't. She wants to fight whoever this is. That way she lives in peace without having to watch her back... She wants to be ready." I told her. She sighed in frustration and rubbed her temples.

"You're right. I can't stop her. But I need her to be safe, if you could maybe talk her out of it that would be great. I want her to learn, yes. But I want to find these monsters to keep her safe, then she can practice." She said.

I nodded, "I can do that."

She sighed again, "Good. Now I would like to inform you that I have news about them, " she started. "River and I have been looking. They do have strong magic. We also found out they are monsters, but with one human in their little pack. Also that one human is on Earth then comes back to Mewni at times. That's all we got for now, but I need you to take care of Star. She needs to be safe." She demanded.

I nodded, "Yes Queen."

She gave a small smile, "Okay we'll leave it there. Good bye."


And the call ended.

I went back to sleep the few more hours before I actually wake up.

Marco's POV:

I woke up at six thirty in the morning for school. Pretty early, but I'm an early bird! And I like school!

I stretched in bed a little then got up to get ready.

I got out if my room and to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth then stripped off my clothes for a warm shower.

After the shower, I got a towel and wrapped it around myself, then went to my room to change into  my usual white top, red hoodie, and black jeans, then put in by brown tennis shoes.

I went to the bathroom again to comb my hair in it's regular perfected style.

I walked downstairs and made myself a bowl of cereal.

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