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Jackie's POV: (Surprise)

I walked through the portal and came close to the clearing that I recognize by heart.

Just a few steps away.

I took a deep breath.

I'm his daughter, he wouldn't do anything to me. Right?

I started making my way, closer to his castle.

I opened the door, unlocked. I honestly don't know if I should be scared by that or just shouldn't mind it. For now.

I walked, my quiet footsteps are barely heard and it's quite dark in here. It's almost always like that.

I wanted to stay quiet so no one would here me, but that's the point in this. I have to be seen. So I started walking with the last bit of confidence I had. Which is not much.

I headed to, my dads office. It was almost at the end of the first hallway. I passed some of his monster workers that he has playing and eating where they usually do when dad's in his office, but luckily they didn't hear me.

As I walked closer, I started mentally crippling my confidence. But, I didn't let it show. I hope.

I stood infront of the door. Okay, this is where the plan officially starts for me.

I took a breath and opened the door.

"Dad I want in."

He looked at me, smiled, and laughed.

"Oh now. Can I even trust my own daughter? A question I thought I would never ask myself actually. After, raising her and all." He chuckled.

"Dad. I promise I do, I swear. This is where I belong, where I've been, and where I will be. Dad I even got info from them. I did this so we could win. I wanted the plan to be a surprise for you. They're coming to attack you here in a couple hours. We need to get everything ready to defeat them. Dad can't you see, I'm just trying to help. Sorry if I did it wrong. I-i'm just trying to be as good as a leader as you." I started sniffling as if I was crying, I even leaked some tears.

His reaction seemed to change when I told him the plan.

"Really? I don't know Jackie-"

"Dad I swear- I just told you the plan. I can help. I gave you time to plan while they were busy taking care of Star and all. I'm just trying to help. C'mon dad." I pleaded.

He sighed. "Fine. But Jackie Lynn Thomas if this is some type of lie. I swear I will make you regret coming back. You more than everyone know, that you never mess with me. That 'joke' that you played, is not so funny." He stated firmly.

"Yes Dad. I know, I know. And i'll never do it again. Promise." I nodded my head. "And I won't let you down. That's why I wanted you to let me help. Like I said, they are planning a surprise attack, so it's better to get out of here whole we can, then come back when the coast is clear. They'll check here than leave. We don't have enough time for much. And with your monsters I doubt it even more- I mean, no offense." I shrugged my shoulders.

He thought about it.

"You know what Jackie. I think I might actually agree with you. He came over and patted my shoulder. "That's my girl."

Star's POV:

"So when exactly do we go?" I asked. My mom came around and gathered us all.

"Well you see. I told Jackie to tell him that we are leaving in a few hours so they have time to prepare. So instead, we have got to leave either quickly or not than just a few hours. But, we want to get this done as soon as possible and if we take longer they'll actually have chance of being prepared. So we need to leave immediately and silently. We don't want to alarm anyone." She explained.

"Okay" I nodded my head. "It seems pretty reasonable."

"Now we just need a real plan on how we're going to get in and kill Toffee and everything right?" Tom questioned.

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure that if we get Toffee first, then we got nothing else to really worry about. The monsters only follow his orders and without him, they don't have anything to follow." Marco explained.

"Good point." We all agreed.

"When I was younger the only spell that could defeat him, was one of Eclipsa's. Nobody found anything more powerful than that spell to defeat something or someone immortal."

"So, I'm going to have to perform that spell?" I pointed to myself.

My mom looked at me. "No of course not! Not under any circumstances, will you ever perform one of the most darkest spells! If anyone is doing it, it shall be me again. I am still powerful and I am still capable of doing it. I don't want any of you hurt." She said sternly.

Us four looked at each other and nodded.

"But mom?"

"Yes Star?"

"What if you can't?" I asked.

She looked alerted, startled by the question.

"There is no what if. That spell has to work. It works." She stated.

"O-okay. I guess. Now we just got to plan our entrance and what to do as we stall the monsters so mom can perform the spell to Toffee. Small plan. As we do this, Mom, you remember the spell right? Or do you need to run over it?"

Mostly the truth is, I want to hear it and I want to know it. Just in case I'm the one that to do it.

"No Star. I got it. Here, instead I'll help you four plan, the quicker the better." She smiled and started anylazing all of us and our information.

"To do the spell I will need Toffee so be in a specific spot and not move. I have to be very concentrated. He already knows what the spell can do. He'll try to avoid it. So, we'll need all the monsters passed out so they don't get in the way. I'll come out when they all are and when you all are holding Toffee. I'll try to say the spell quickly to get it over with to get you four, out of all trouble and danger. And Jackie. But also, the whole kingdom of Mewni. "

"Okay sounds like a good enough plan to follow." I nodded my head, determined to finish this once and for all.


*Ignore me here*

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