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Marco's POV (thought it was about time)

We all started walking off through how we cane in. We passed the entrance where Star blasted them.

Still knocked out, not dead most likely, but knocked out.

I caught up and walked alongside with Star.

"So, what you did back there was pretty cool." I wanted to start a conversation with her after all of this has happened.
"Ha, yeah and pretty insane. I didn't think it would actually work but I'm so glad it did. I thought my mom would be completely mad at me for doing that, but surprisingly she's not." She responded.
"Yeah well," I scratched the back of my head, "how could she be mad if her daughter doing her own job. I knew you could do it." I smiled at her.
"Yeah," she smiled. "I'm so glad I did."

We continued walking to Mewni, making our way silently until Moon broke the silence.

"Star I think you've matured enough to stay in Mewni." Moon started saying. Both my head and Star turned to look at her.

No. Star couldn't come back. Yeah it's her home place but I-I got so distant from her and know we're talking. No she can't leave. Not yet.

Yet again I was being the worst friend. I forgot all about her and promised her so many things!! She's going to want to come back instead of being with a douche like me. And it was all because of Jackie, I mean she was the girl of my dreams. But did I love her as much as I thought I would?

No, when she first confessed she wanted something with me, I hesitated. I just, felt like something in the bottom of me was pushing me away to her and to someone else.


I loved Star, as a friend of course. But was here more to that?


She was always there for me and the way her eyes lit up. She's just precious. Devine.

I looked at Star then Moon. She was going to want to come back for sure. All because I messed up.

"Mom." Star started, "I still have time before I become queen and I still have time to learn. I don't mean to make you mad or anything but... I wanna stay at Earth. Just for a bit longer."

"But Star, this is your home where you belong!" Moon was raising her voice a bit, "You will be Queen and will need to be here. And you seem ready for it now."

Star stood calm, "Mom," she waved her hands a bit to get her to calm down. "I will come here,every weekend even to learn more. When there's no school I'll come. I just wanna stay there a bit longer but I promise I'll be prepared. You said it yourself, I seem to have matured, mother I have and I promise I'll come here to learn more.... just let me stay. Just for awhile more please."

Her mother hesitated for a moment. With an emotionless look.

"Oh Star... Fine. If you promise all that and do actually do it. Then I'll let you stay there a bit longer." Moon softly smile with her arms crossed.

Star smiled her big beautiful smile and hugged her. "Thanks mom!!"

Star turned to look at me, with a small soft smile which I returned. Then she ran to me and gave me a hug.

"I love you Marco." She whispered.

I was frozen in my steps. My arms arming her waist in the hug.

"I-I love you too Star."

Timeskip to them in the castle garden.

Me and Star walked to the garden at the castle. Stars family have already talked and worked on the citizens. So we finally had some peace time.

"Marco, you now back there I actually meant what I said, I've had feelings for you. I was just scared and you were with Jackie. I couldn't ruin that no matter how much I had bad feelings about her. You loved he it seemed. But did you actually mean what you said back there, or do you mean it as a friend way."

I sighed and put my hand on my other arm as we sat on the little bench thing.

"No Star, I meant it. In more than a friend way. I never knew I liked you but I always felt something and felt something different for Jackie ever since I meet you but I ignored the feeling."

After a moment of silence. She spoke up.

"So what are we?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Well whatever you want to be when you're ready." I responded. I honestly wasn't quite sure if I was ready but i felt that if I was with her. I would always be ready for anything.

We turned to look at each other and smiled. "Well right now I think we shouldn't go to bed." We were staying in Mewni for the night and I got the guest room by Stars room. I nodded, "Yeah, you're right." We got up and made our way inside to our rooms.

We stood in the middle of the hall for a minute. Then all of a sudden I see Star turn to face me and in a swift movement she kissed my check.
Then she walked away to go into her room and I was there standing like a dumb guy. She giggled, "Good night Marco." And went to her bedroom. I touched the place where her lips brushed softly and smiled, I close even feel my cheeks warm up a bit. I went into my room and leaned against my door.

Best day ever.

Star's POV:

Best day ever.


So I wanna say that this is almost a wrap, just one more bonus chapter that won't be as long.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter as much as this story.

Xoxo and see ya later ma dudez

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