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Ayato stared at the ceiling. His heart pounding. A growl tore through his chest as he sat up. He made plans to leave today, it was dark and he was sure everyone was asleep. He would leave a note for Touka and (Y/N) that they would find in the morning. By then he'd already be in another ward.

He clenched his jaw. I promised my father I'd protect Touka. I can't let anything happen to (Y/N) either. I'll protect them with my life if I have to.

Ayato ran a hand through his hair. With a sigh he turned to the cupboard next to his bed and opened the first drawer. There was only two things inside; a card and the most childish drawing a ten year old could muster.

He picked them both up and placed the drawing aside, instead opening the card first. There was an uneven blue and pink heart on one side and a short poem on the other. He remembered that this was the first ever drawing she gave him, a few days after she was back to her normal self.

Dearest Ayato
I wrote you a poem!

Roses are red
Violets are blue
You saved my life
I am ever thankful to you

Sorry it's short. I'll get better at it someday.
P.S. I wish you'd smile more, you look better smiling!

He smiled, a small chuckle escaping his lips. She sucked at poetry even at a young age. He picked up the drawing and stared at it for a moment, a sense of nostalgia overwhelming him.

"What is that? Are we holding hands?" He asked, his voice laced with confusion and disgust.

"Mmhmm." (Y/N) hummed.

"Why are we holding hands?" He asked, turning to her, confusion etched on his young handsome face.

(Y/N) blushed lightly and glanced away shyly. "'Cause I hope we'll be friends in the future. I hope you don't mind. I still wanna be friends with you."

He stared at her, almost cautiously with traces of shock and confusion written all over his young handsome features. "W-what?" 

He smiled sadly and gently folded it and placed it in the card, which he also managed to fold neatly and placed it in his pocket.

Ayato got up and walked out of his room without looking back. The shop was quiet, the manager, Touka and (Y/N) were all asleep.

He stopped by Touka's room and slowly opened the door. His sister was sound asleep in her room. "Goodbye sis." He whispered softly before closing the door gently. His lips tugged up into a small smile. She was always the tomboy, always going out of her way to protect him, now it was his turn.

He was going to stop by (Y/N)'s room next, dreading the short walk. In no time he was standing by the door. He stared at the familiar door, remembering that this would be the last time he ever saw it. With a reluctant sigh, he slowly opened it.

She was sound asleep. He sighed and walked in, leaving the door ajar. He stopped by the head of her bed, next to her night stand.

Ayato tilted his head to the side as he gazed down at the sleeping human girl, her hair was everywhere, falling around her face. He didn't know how she managed to seep in through the cracks of his heart and permanently reside there. She was unique. He knew he'd miss her the most.

He glanced at his feather necklace she had given him a few months ago.

"Why the feather?" He asked, shifting his gaze over to her, curiosity evident in his tone,

She smiled. "You're so silly sometimes. It's because you're an angel."

"An angel. Really?" He teased.

Fallen Angel✔| Ayato Kirishima X Reader BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now