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2 months later.

Kaneki settled in well. (Y/N) thought it would be difficult for him but after a few weeks, he started accepting the fact that he was no longer fully human, he was now half ghoul and nothing could change that.

After he started slowly accepting these terms, he got closer to the people of Anteiku. It was admirable how he tried to teach Hinami how to read and write. Soon Hinami was smiling more often. Until the death of her mother and the news of the death of her father left her just as torn, if not even more.

Touka took it in her own hands to kill the bastard who killed Hinami's mother a few weeks ago, now Hinami was slowly cozying up, she even got a pet bird named Hetare. She reminded (Y/N) so much of herself when she was younger and it tugged at her heart strings.

She remembered when she found Hinami crying on the veranda, a bird cradled in her hands.

"Hey hey, what's wrong Hinami-chan?"

She continued sobbing.

(Y/N) gently knelt down and placed a hand on the brunettes shoulder and rubbed her back soothingly. Hinami leaned into her and (Y/N) placed her other hand over the younger girls hair, gently playing with it as she whispered soothing words into her ears.

Hinami sobbed violently in (Y/N) arms until she finally slowed down, rubbing her cheeks with her hands.

"There there, it's gonna be okay." (Y/N) whispered softly.

Hinami shook her head violently. "N-no it won't. I-I'm all alone, mother and father--they're both gone!" She began sobbing all over again,

"Hey hey, shhhh, it's okay." Hinami only cried harder.

"Let me tell you something. When I was a kid, I lost my parents too."

Hinami stopped crying, slowly down to hiccups as she looked up to (Y/N),  her brown eyes twinkling. "What? You did?" She asked, her voice cracking.



(Y/N) felt a shiver run through her. "That part's not important. I'll tell you what is. When I lost my parents, I felt so alone and frightened. I had nightmares and I never went to bed without crying my eyes out."

Hinami had stopped crying. She was now looking up at (Y/N), her big brown owns twinkling with unshed tears and her cheeks stained with tears. Her interest was piqued.

(Y/N) continued. "But I had everyone here. At Anteiku, I soon realized that I lost one family, but I found another family."

"B-but I don't want to replace my mother and father." She cried, tears streaming down her face silently.

(Y/N) smiled softly and wiped away Hinami's  tears. "Hinami-chan. Just because life moves on after the loss of our loved ones, doesn't mean that we move on from them, it doesn't mean we forget them, or replace them. They will forever be alive in our memories. Your mother would've wanted you to be happy Hinami-chan."

Hinami nodded, silently crying. (Y/N) pulled her into a hug, the bird now cradled between the two. (Y/N) tried being as gentle and cheerful as she could to the little girl. It was nice to have another cheerful person in Anteiku. Hinami was the perfect addition to the ward.

Not only that but there was a new additional member of the staff, his name was Nishiki. He was arrogant, bossy and in a way, reminded (Y/N) of Ayato. But he didn't get along well with Touka.

It was now the morning of her first shift and even now, as she cleaned a table, she watched the two bicker amongst themselves over a plate Touka had dropped.

Fallen Angel✔| Ayato Kirishima X Reader BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now