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(Y/N) sat across from Genna in one of the most expensive restaurants she's ever been to. The table was filled with all sorts of exotic and native food she'd never even seen before.

"Food here is scrumptious, isn't it?" Genna was saying as she dug into her soup.

(Y/N) folded her arms and leaned back into her chair. Genna hadn't even raised the issue they talked about over the phone earlier on. (Y/N) had agreed to see Genna again and give her a chance to explain herself and Genna was all to eager to agree, but now it was like she was trying to avoid the elephant in the room all together.

(Y/N) cleared her throat, giving Genna a blank stare. "You owe me answers."

Genna dropped her spoon back aside and leaned back into her chair, her (E/C) eyes trained on her fidgeting fingers. She also had the habit of fidgeting her fingers when she was nervous or anxious.

"Fine, where shoulder I start?" Genna asked, finally meeting (E/C)'s cold eyes.

"Explain why I didn't even know you existed, then explain to me why you were gone for 16 years of my life." (Y/N) said in a monotone.

Genna cleared her thoat and shifted in her seat. She'd usually see (Y/N) cheerful and bubbly when she'd come in and out of Anteiku and seeing (Y/N)'s usually bright and warm eyes stare at her coldly was very unnerving for the thirty-three year old woman.

"Okay. Kimi and Denji probably didn't tell you about me because they were ashamed of me. When I was young, I was impulsive, defying, wreckless, uncoordinated and, some would say, dangerous. I hated school, always got into trouble, I shop lifted for fun, heck I even stole a car when I was twelve for a joy ride around the city and got hospitalize for it. That cost a law suit and a lot of money.

"When I became a teenger, I got involved with the wrong kind of people and . . . We did a lot of wrongs, most of those things were against the law. Soon Kimi and Denji could barely look me in the eyes. I was their only daughter then so they put up with me . . . Until you were born. I got pregnant. They told me to have an abortion but I refused. And, well, they just snapped and kinda disowned me I guess. I ran away that night.

"A seventeen year old pregnant girl wouldn't get far with all the ghouls in this city, at least that's what they thought. They thought I'd come back. I had saved some money before all this, a lot in fact, so I just bought tickets to halfway across the world. I lived in America, served as a waitress or cleaner for a couple of months. Then I met Chris and fell in love, and I never came back."

(Y/N) blinked, she wasn't exactly sure how to react to that story. "What happened to the baby?"

Genna smiled softly. "I named her (Y/N), after her aunt."

(Y/N) was stunned. There was a long pause, a moment of silence. Finally (Y/N) cleared her throat.

"That explains the first question. What about the second?"

Genna sighed and adjusted her glasses over her eyes and tucked a loose strand of (H/C) hair behind her ears. She dreaded this one.

"I'm ashamed to admit, I completely forgot about my past for a few years. I was so happy, and I thought you guys were to, without me, the troublesome child. I was the (L/N)'s black sheep. I thought . . . I thought wrong." She paused and watched (Y/N) reaction very carefully. She had to be careful with her words. "I heard about what happened a few months late. I-I . . . I thought of coming to get you, I did. But I thought that dragging you away from your home would be too stressful so I let you stay. I honestly thought that they'd put you under a good roof and--"

"I am under a good roof.. Anteiku is my home and my family now."

Genna bit the inside of her cheeks. That statement hurt more than she could let on.

Fallen Angel✔| Ayato Kirishima X Reader BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now