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It was late at night the next week when (Y/N) heard the shocking news that Kaneki had survived and had become a one eyed ghoul and somehow Rize was dead. Still, it was surreal to think debris from a falling building had killed her. That was like saying falling monkeys had killed the devil. It was hard to believe.

(Y/N) was thankful that Rize was gone. As she swept the floor and pulled down the chairs, she tried not to think about what Ayato was like now. In Anteiku the ghouls ate a minimum human flesh and it was dead. Did Ayato go hunting himself? Did he kill them and ate them, or did he eat them alive?

Her grip on the broom tightened till her knuckles were white. She had to stop thinking about these awful things.

The bell chimed and she almost whooped with joy, finally a customer for today, at least that would keep her brain distracted.

Her grin widened when she saw Hide.

"Good morning (Y/N)-chan!" He greeted brightly as usual as he took a seat.

"Good morning Hide-kun. What brings you here so early in the morning?" She asked as Touka walked in.

"Oh I just came to see Touka and thank her for saving my life." He said charmingly, smiling at Touka who smiles back in response.

"Oh it was nothing, don't worry about it. Would you like some coffee?" She asked. Hide smiled and nodded.

"Of course, if it's not a bother."

"Not at all." Touka replied as she began brewing behind the counter.

Hide and (Y/N) began chatting about random things as she made the coffee.

"Thank you Touka." Hide said as he took the cup of tea.

"You're welcome." Touka nodded with a smile.

"So Hide, you wanna come over to Aito-kun's place later on the week? He's throwing a party, something about celebrating our results for passing the exams. It's small, just a few friends, you're welcome to come." (Y/N) said with a beaming smile.

"No thanks, maybe some other time." He answer and his smile widened when he saw Kaneki emerge from the back.

"Hey, Kaneki!" He chirped.

Kaneki paused, looking surprised. "H-Hide! What are you doing here?"

"You nitwit! I came to thank Touka of course!" Hide replied, winking at Touka as he grinned.

"Thank her?" Kaneki asked, confused as he walked towards the two.

"She helped us out when we were caught in that accident, right?" Hide asked nonchalantly, folding his arms behind his head.


From the pained look on Kaneki's face, (Y/N) had to assume that that was Touka's doing. (Y/N) snickered quietly to herself.

"Sounds like he hasn't recovered, huh?"  Touka smiled innocently at Hide.

"Are you okay?" Hide asked Kaneki.

"Oh. Mmm-hmm." Kaneki forced a tight smiled.

"Hmm .  . . Okay. I heard Nishiki-senpai is still in the hospital, so, you know . . . The fact that we got off with just scratches is all because of you, Touka-chan. Thanks." He said as he stood up. "Well, Kaneki, (Y/N)-chan, see you guys later." He waved.

"See you later Hide-kun." (Y/N) waved along with Kaneki and Touka.

As soon as he was out, (Y/N) grabbed his half empty cup of tea and brought it out back, sensing a lecture from Touka to Kaneki; she didn't wanna be in the room when Touka drilled Kaneki.

Fallen Angel✔| Ayato Kirishima X Reader BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now