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The two days spent with Calum were some of the happiest and non-stressful days that I've had.

We truly did bond

No phones, no tv- just each other and nature

As cliche as it sounds, it was truly fun, and I wish we could do it more often

But we were currently driving home- two hours earlier than planned due to Ashton calling and saying that Macey was going through some bullshit.

"Maybe she needs to be put on some medicine" I mumbled quietly, looking to him, seeing him glance at me before back towards the road.

"sadly, there's no medicine for jealousy."

We got home, the two of us moving purposely slowly.

I grabbed my bag, seeing him smile.

"Welcome home" he mumbled just as Macey swung the door open, a happy squeal coming from her.

She ran into Calum's arms, the two of them sharing a hug as if they haven't seen each other in a month.

I went inside, seeing Luke- who just looked tired.

"What the hell happened to you?" I laughed- looking to him.

"Your sister." He simply spoke, which made me smile.

"Seems like everyone needs a road trip around here" michael laughed as he came downstairs.

Macey and I ended up facetiming mom in bed, mainly mom and I talking about Calum and I's trip.

"It couldn't have been that fun" Macey cut me off mid sentence.

"Macey- let your sister talk" my mom spoke patiently.

"I wanna talk about my weekend too-" "well you can do it after Casey-" she stormed out of the room- almost child like.

"What the hell just happened?" I mumbled.

"I don't know what's wrong with your fucking sister." She spoke

"She's acting-" "like a child, I know." My mom finished.

After telling mom all the details she wanted, we hung up and I texted her the pictures Calum and I took before running downstairs- in search of some decongestion medicine- because I couldn't breathe.

"What do you need, cutie?" Luke smiled as he saw me looking through the cabinet they kept medicines in.

"Like a- decongestant?" I spoke towards him.

"Stuffy?" He questioned, moving to the spot I moved away from for him, looking through the cabinet

"I think it's just sinuses" I shrugged.

"You might be catching a little cold from the waterfall and streams and shit" he spoke, finding something that he was okay with, dropping a pill into my hand.

"If you feel worse in a few hours, come get me, okay?"

I nodded in agreement, taking the medicine before heading for a shower.

Macey and I cuddled up together around eleven at night, finally ready to go to bed.

"I've missed you" she mumbled quietly, which made me breathe out

It's sad- I haven't missed her at all

"I missed you too" I lied back

"Maybe you, Noah and I can go get some ice cream one day this week"

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