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「 I 」 ONE

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it hadn't been the best day.

distant parents. insincere friendships. somber classical music on loop.

over and over and over again.

and so she found herself, once again, walking all too soberly down the street to hear the live music. she stopped outside of

window after window after window

wanting each strum of a guitar string, each drumbeat, to shut up her mind.

an enchantingly lovely lady, slightly crinkled with age but still as vivacious as ever, stopped next to her to enjoy the music with her. community. support. affection. when and where would they return to her fruitless little life?

the lady looked over to her and smiled a pretty pretty smile. she wondered how many children, grandchildren, dogs and cats alive and dead, the lady had shared her time with.

what a mystery every stranger's life was to her. if she could, she would learn every single one of theirs in hopes to push out her own, to forget it.

people of every age over twenty-freaking-one stumbled gleefully out of the bars live music was


from, laughing at everything and nothing and anything because laughing kept them happy and being happy kept them laughing.

make me happy that way. i want that. you. please.

were her eyes pleading with the strangers' along the streets?

that's when one of them stopped.

she kept her eyes on him, to see what he could've been doing, what his buzzed mind could've been thinking, if he was similar to anyone else she'd noticed today, when his eyes met hers.

he walked straight towards her.

"you," he said. he was so hard to understand. and he looked so young. there was no way his body wasn't struggling to keep going. how on earth did he manage to get into the bars?

"you." the haze in his eyes lifted for a moment. "you're so pretty." his voice got clearer with each sentence, and it evoked newfound, brilliantly-colored emotions that took her breath away. "you're beautiful. i've never—i've never seen anyone like you before."

she had never seen herself as spectacular, but there he was, and she couldn't remember when he had gotten so close to her, but she couldn't move.

and she couldn't speak. what to say. she hadn't the slightest i n k l i n g of what to say.

he swore softly,

a lovely and intoxicating sound,

before continuing. "are you—are you real? have you always lived here? you."

you. you. you. it's me.

she was still far from capable of speaking coherently.

so she breathed in the smell of—whiskey, she thought,

r a d i a t i n g

from his body. the strong smell surrounded her,

and she couldn't


even if she wanted to.

"i—i should go," he said, his voice regaining its drunken slur as if the whiskey flowing through and destroying his organs had reminded him he wasn't sober just yet. this made her painstakingly aware of her own level of sobriety. "i need to go. i'll miss you. i will. i'll think of you. i know i'm drunk. i won't forget you. you're u n f o r g e t t a b l e, pretty girl." and it dissolved into murmurs, some utterances of "pretty" between words she wouldn't repeat, and he left her there, drowning in jack daniel's and him.

maybe if she had been called beautiful before with so much drive, she wouldn't have been so


on the one drunk boy from the street.

but he had meant it in such a way—

she was doomed right from the start.

she was doomed right from the start

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beta readers:
jessy @originalverbivore
elise @volatxlebxtch
sarafina @Ginger_Sweets

NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR TO YOU: finally releasing her. so i've wanted to write something like this for years and never really had the courage or time to. well, here's what's been brewing during those years.

leave feedback. she's a first draft and i know there's a lot of work that needs to be done, so point out things you think i might not have taken note of myself.

hope you enjoy this journey.

// kels

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