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ten days. Marguerite went ten days without another brush with the chaos that was life with the boy with loose curls.

she spent almost all of those ten days with Archer, unable to be on her own for long. she'd begun living in her own clothes again and was planning on taking Archer's soon. however, this never occurred.

the two were in Archer's bed, lips and bodies squished together shyly. there was a disney sequel playing in the background, but the blue of Archer's eyes was all she could seem to focus on. it was like memory recall, trying to remember what had once existed, a certain hollowness to the replica of an old flame.

deep down, she had known from the day that she agreed to see Archer again that this would happen. she was far too easy,

too susceptible to falling into what was comfortable,

and once the curly-haired boy had left her he had only sealed the fate she already knew of.

in fact, the only thing that had kept her away from this fate was the dark curls and darker eyes that she used to miss when she was away and crave when she was near. with him out of the picture there was nothing to stop her from

f a l l i n g

into the inevitable.

so here she was, legs straddling the familiar boy's waist as she clung to him like life support and allowed his lips to guide hers, his tongue to find its way deeper into the world it already knew.

she would've stayed like this forever.

he pulled away just long enough to call her lovely before diving back in to taste her mouth again, as if it wasn't something he had done countless times before, and she would've stayed like this forever.

of course, chaos had to return.

her phone rang, startling her. she didn't get calls. she hadn't seen her friends since early june when they had pretended they would invite her to all their final summer bashes, her parents barely looked at her anymore, and—

there was only one other person in her life who wasn't in the room with her. and he wanted nothing to do with her.

but wasn't he the most realistic option?

she climbed off of Archer and out into the hallway without so much as a one-word explanation, leaving him confused as she checked the caller id.


wasn't that so damn fitting?

it was probably a wrong number. might as well answer it.


"Presley! hey, beautiful. it's Tyler."

Tyler. why on earth would Tyler, of all people, be calling?

it didn't matter to her, because she had missed his golden voice and his lovely laugh.

"hey," she said back breathlessly, "what is it?"

"listen, Presley, your boy is losing his damn mind. i wasn't going to say anything to you about it, was just going to let things run their course, but he's been getting drunker and drunker lately, and now he's raging, and i didn't know where else to turn." his voice dropped. "he's really scaring me, Presley."

it was all she needed.

in fact, he'd had her at "your boy."

"at your house? hang in there. i'm coming."

NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR TO YOU: this chapter and the next few were some of my favorites when i read back over them

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NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR TO YOU: this chapter and the next few were some of my favorites when i read back over them. (one of them i go back to a lot.)

hope they resonate with you too.

// kels

「 stray curls 」Where stories live. Discover now