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「 I 」 TWO

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she wandered aimlessly for days.

she wondered where the boy had gone, whether he was still self-destructing.

occasionally, she would walk down the street on which he had approached her, catching a glance at someone's dark curls or dark eyes and wondering, if only for a second,

is it you?

it was hard to sleep when her mind was constantly

spinning around in c i r c l e s.

so she thought

and she pondered

and she thought some more.

she thought of him too often. had he meant what he'd said? had her ever-beating heart and wide, curious eyes sobered him? did he give the same passionate speech to every girl he found attractive?

no. no. of course not.

for some reason created by her j u m b l e d mind, his words had to be dedicated to her and her alone. they had to belong to her. no one else could be the pretty girl on the street.

he had said he would think of her. did he get lost in her the way she continually

got lost

in him?

she didn't know what she would do if she ever saw him again. she couldn't even begin to imagine what he would do. would he even give her his time of day? she already knew she would give him all of hers. would he take her out? show her the stars she never bothered to look up to and cherish? drink too much wine or mix jack daniel's into innocent drinks so he could barely even see her clearly?

maybe it was best if he never saw her clearly. she wanted so terribly to be the pretty girl in someone's mind. she had never been the one with the aura of sensuality or allure, and she wanted to be someone worth lingering on and thinking,

damn. have you ever seen anything so captivating?

people already thought she was kind. she knew how to smile wide and please everyone. the last boy to touch her lips, Archer, had known that all too well.

where had Archer gone? she often missed him dearly.

maybe this new boy could keep her mind busy. his hair was the deepest darkest black she had ever seen, and he had such enchanting eyes to match. she wished she had looked longer, memorized every nuance in the color of his eyes.

yet his face was already blurring, fading away,

because she could never hold on to the beautiful things in her life.

because she could never hold on to the beautiful things in her life

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beta readers:
jessy @originalverbivore
elise @volatxlebxtch
sarafina @Ginger_Sweets

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