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Percy p.o.v

I was drawing on Annabeth's back, I could feel the tension leave her shoulders as I wrote her name between  her shoulder blades. I smiled to myself, she was so cute when she slept, she smiled and you could make out her freckles.

The tendrils of tiredness were around me. I was just getting really and comfortable, when I looked at Annabeth, she was still asleep and timeless inner slumber , I reached over and took out her ponytail, her blonde curls tickled my wrist. I lay down next to Annabeth and tried to make space for her. I had my eyes closed and I was relaxing when she stirred, I kept my eyes closed and then I heard a small sound and a weight on my chest. My face felt very warm. Annabeth was resting her head on my chest, having a silent panic attack with my eyes still closed. It felt very natural her head on my chest, her curls running down my torso. I melted into the sleep with Annabeth using me as a pillow pet.

I was so tired, I didn't even want to open my eyes. I could feel Annabeth's breaths strirring the skin on my neck. I was leaning to my side and she was curled up, I could feel her knees at my side, her shoulder was under my armpit. I cracked my eye open just to look outside. It was very dark out, midnight pressed to the windows and I could only make out faint out lines of tree swirling past. Annabeth stirred gently and I look down at her, she nuzzled my arm to wipe the sleep out of her eyes, she opened her gray eyes and looked deeply into mine. Her face reddened and she hid her eyes. "Its okay Annabeth, go back to sleep" I whisper. She looked back at me and she was smirking, her eyes were darting back to me and to my chest. What could this wise one be thinking, but she nodded and leaned back against my chest. Her breathing slowed and so did mind, we both were cast into sleep like fishermen's nets.

I was woken by Annabeth shaking me, her gray eyes were panicked. "Percy, Percy something is wrong" she gasped. I didn't awake because I was so groggy from the sleep. I stared dreamily from Annabeth's face to the window, dawn was here because the shy was a dark red, the trees had colour and.... wait what. A large black silhouette was against the tree, like a massive dog or. " Percy its a hell hound, we have to get off this bus. The thing threw its self against the side of the bus, sending things flying and passengers screaming. I stood quickly and pulled out my pen and clickd riptide to life.

Annabeth held her dagger and slipped her backpack on. The bus driver was frantically trying to slow, another crash, the bus almost tipped and the steel bent, cracks spree threw the window . I glared out the window and saw the hell hound readying for another hit, it's teeth bared in a toxic grin, "Watch out" I yelled, I threw myself at Annabeth and bear hugged her as the hell hound hit. The bus slid, the wheels screamed and we toppled over, Annabeth and I were tossed like rag dolls, passenger and bag flew, I held Heras the bus rolled,one, twice maybe three times then it stopped. We were on our side with windows like a sky light. I released  Annabeth from my bear hug. We both stood and got ready to fight.

The bus creaked and groaned at the hound jumped on the upwards side. It's gazed down at us and we could see the saliva dripping from its drawn back lips. It started to smash through the window above us, mortal screamed and backed away. I grasped riptide and waited, Annabeth was ready to, the steel side ripped like paper and the windows caved with each paw hitting its , the wall of steel and glass, the hell hound was in.

We rolled as it dropped from the roof. The bus driver smashed the window and terrified mortal scrambled out of the shattered glass

. My battle senses kicked in and everything felt clearer. The hell hound turned on Annabeth who swung her dagger in and arch to make it back away. It bent is shaggy black legs and sprung at her. I almost yelled but knew Annabeth was as good as me and I trusted her. She rolled under the Hound and it smashed into the side and left a hefty dent. The hell hound was dizzy and off centre, Annabeth stepped in as it was dazed and ran her dagger in and arch down its spine , the hell hound yelped in pain and turned on her. I ran at the hound while it was facing her down and was to focused on trying to get Annabeth. She was in a corner , I ran behind the Animal and yelled "Hey puppy my over here" I taunted. It turned and snarled, while it was busy telling me off Annabeth turned and ran up the wall, she used some ninja move and leaped onto its back. "Wwhaaoooo" she had handfuls of it fur In her hands. I laughed at my crazy, wise girl. She had her dagger in her teeth and the dog was trying to smash her off. I stepped back and ran, I did a perfect slide under its stamping feet and stabbed up into its rip cage. The monster sizzled into dust and screamed as it vanished. Annabeth Fell from he melting steed and landed on my legs. "Nice one" I smirked and pointed at her, "oohhh stop" she blushed and laughed. We had to wrap up our fun because many red and blue lights had just pulled up on our bus. "We should run" I added, because if we didn't ,after what just happened we would be sure to get the blame, no matter what. "Yeah lets run" she said and grabbed my hand. We sprinted like wild children into the forest and howled like wolves.

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