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We battled through the worsening storm. Thunder and flashes a light boomed round us. Lita was whispering silent despairing prayers into Annabeth's back. I could only focus on not crashing.

What was most unnerving were the loud roars and cries of the Animal chasing us. We were so close. Something about this reminded me of my first trip to camp.

"Percy we are so close, i know it" Annabeth whispered into my ear.

I looked ahead and sore in a illumination of a bolt of lightning, maybe half a mile ahead of us was a tall pine tree. We just have to-


I felt my body leave the bike behind and I hit the side of the road.

I spat out a mouth fall of grass and puddle water, my mouth full of a metallic sting of electricity . I jumped to my feat and drew my golden blade.

I looked down and saw Annabeth picking up Lita. Annabeth had I cut on her cheek but Lita was okay. I looked over at the bike. The bike was destroyed, its front wheel was bent and the tire was steaming from a the lightning, GODS I HATE ZEUS.

"Come on we have to run for it" Annabeth grabbed my hand and began to run. I pulled Lita onto my back and we desperately ran down the road.

The puddles were slick and the rain was blinding. My heart beat was thundering like the lightning.

We couldn't keep running like this, the only way we would live was to fight.

"ANNABETH STOP" I grabbed Annabeth's hand, her pulse hammering under my fingers.

" I can slow the monster down, please take Lita and run."

"No I can't, Percy I almost lost you before and I can't risk that Again!". Annabeth looked into my eyes, I saw the fear in hers but she understood that this had to happen.

She pulled out a pouch of ambrosia and put it into my pocket. She kissed my cheek.

"Stay safe seaweed brain"

With that she grabbed Lita and hand and the ran down the road. I turned to face my old friend.

I saw the growing silhouette of the Massive beast. It drew the a stop about twenty metres away from me. It's foul breath stirring my wet hair. I didn't feel scared, if I was going to die to save Annabeth and Lita it was worth it.

The beast, had the front half of a lion, it black lips curled over its massive teeth. It had the back legs of a goat and a scorpion tail, a long and dreadful barb dripping with venom. Okay scratch that, this monster was terrifying but if I died I felt at peace with it because honestly if being a halfblood will be like this forever than why shouldn't I just go.

"WHO IS GOING TO MAKE THE FIRST MOVE CHIMERA". Shouting wouldn't help but sassing gave me strength.

It huffed and got ready to pounce.

The most threw it massive body towards me. I dodged it and jumped over it's massive scorpion tail. I thrust riptide down at the back foot but it whipped around. It lunched me snapped it pointed teeth, I jumped back and felt confident but then I saw it throat start to glow.

"Oh styx"

A massive plume of fire jetted out at me. I concentrated on the water around me and threw my arms up, a wave of water washed the fire away and gave its gross mouth a good cleaning.

The chimera howled and scraped long lion claws along the road, maybe sharping them. It swiped at me with it paw, I slashed riptide across it but my blade just connected with a claw, drawing sparks.

The chimera decided I needed to move more. The back up and jumped right at me, as it jumped I ran under it and tried to dig my blade under it tummy in the soft spot, this thing didn't have any soft spots.

I rolled out from under it and then looked back into it's black eyes, it didn't seem to have any whites, just a ink sea of death.

The chimera started to heat up again, I took my chance and ran at its face, dead in. I gave a massive jump and soared onto its back, driving riptide deep into its back but my sword bounced harmlessly off it tough skin. The scorpion tail tried to stab me but I stayed on it back and dodged.

The chimera was smart enough to realise that if it missed it would stab it self and self inflected wounds aren't fun.

I was feeling kinda okay but then the chimera stopped in its tracks, it gave the air a long sniff, it's like I could sense it's though process. It turned slowly to face the way Lita and Annabeth ran.

It started to walk and then slowly sped up, moving faster got STRAIGHT TO ANNABETH AND LITA.

their dark forms were fighting through the rain.


I yelled, I tried stabbing the chimera back but every time my blade didn't make it through the skin.


Annabeth and Lita were sprinting. Annabeth turned and saw me riding a gigantic death cat and she turned and tackled Lita into the side of the road so the monster ran straight past them.

I jumped off the beast , that was hydroplaning down a road.

"Okay wise girl what's the plan".

Long Nights - Percabeth FluffWhere stories live. Discover now