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Be warned this contains Suicidal thoughts and words
Percy p.o.v

The voices rang in my ears, voices of everyone I cared and loved . I didn't want to hear any of this. "You're a failure of son" my mother said, "mom" I whispered into the dark cell. "PERCY YOU ARE WORTHLESS, I NEVER WNATED YOU AND IT WOULD BE EASIER WITH OUT YOU ALIVE" Poseidon's shouted at me. "You will never be as good as any hero" "I don't Even know why I try and train you, your so worthless " Chiron monotone voice. All of it was so true. Tears fell down my face as so many voices of then ones I loved call me weak, failure, worthless "you're a waste of space and to much trouble, you aren't even smart of handsome, why would anyone love you" my mothers voice muttered in my ears . "Percy why didn't you save her WHY DIDNT YOU SAVE MY SISTER" Nico's small voice screamed in my ears. "STOP IT STOP IT LEAVE ME ALONE"  "you're it worth it at all you useless waist of space" Thalia spat, "it should have been you who died not Zoe, why can't you just die"said Thalia. I screamed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I repeated those words repeatedly into the night not caring who or what heard them I just was sorry.

So many people were screaming , there pleading and taunts echo around the room. All of the sounds stopped, I looked up and wiped my eyes, was it over i though but of course not. "Percy you so stupid" Annabeths voice cut through the silence. "Annabeth" I whispered. "Percy you really are so stupid, your an idiot" she her voice laden in sour toxins. "Annabeth please" I mumbled and reached out into the dark, I could almost see her standing imfront of me. "Your so stupid for thinking I liked someone as worthless as you" she spat and walked in a semicircle sizing me up, its not real it can't be your Hallucinating part of me said but all the things she said, the things they all said were true. "I would never like someone as useless as you, the only reason I hang around you is because Chiron says I should and that doesn't mean I like it" she walked towards me and slowly knew next to me. "How could you ever think I loved a failure like you" she purred in my ear, her voice rang in my ears "you let some many people who are better then you die, just kill yourself but ist won't bring them back, your life is worthless" her vapour hand reached into my pocket and my hand followed and I brought out Riptide in pen form, "do it" she whispered, "no one will miss you" she uncapped riptide and the blade shone. What if I did it, what if I ended it all here. I pointed the blade at my chest, the bronze tip pointed over my heart, what if I did it, "go on then Percy, I won't miss you" her venomous thoughts sank into me. I swung out with riptide and cut through her Hallucination figure.  Screams of pure pain filled the room all Annabeth's shouts , "PERCY WHY WHY WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, I THOUGH YOU WERE MY FRIEND WHY WOULD YOU HURT ME WHY WHY WHY" many voices rang out, "WHHHYYY EEEEEHHHHHHHHHAAAAA AHHHEEEE HELP ME PERCY, WHY DID YOU KILL ME WHY" "PERCY I CARED ABOUT YOU WHY" her voice filled my ears and I could feel my mind breaking. Tears gushed down my cheeks and my chest and lungs were convulsing in broken sobs. I was blinded by tears and I couldn't breath through the sobs, I blindly reached for riptide, I aimed the point at my chest and I was going deaf with Annabeth's screams blocking out anything, all feeling was fading the only thing I could hear was her chute of Agony, I didn't hear the door open I was ready an thrusted to blade at my heart. The point sliced the skin on my chest.

The blade was ripped from me and arms tightly wrapped around my ribs, I was still crying and sobbing. I hugged back the person, maybe I had killed Annabeth and myself, now she found me in the underworld, I hugged back and buried my face in the persons arms and just cried. "I killed her, why why what is wrong with me" I wailed, "I should die I'm worthless" I couldn't get the words out I was so grief stricken. "No no no Percy you didn't hurt me, I'm here for you, look at me Percy , look at me" This was another illusion because it was Annabeth's voice. I opened my tear filled eyes and gazed into her eyes. Annabeth was crying as well and cradling me. She smiled weakly and kissed my lips softly, I tasted her lemon scent and new it was my wise girl. I sobbed more and didn't even now what I was saying. I don't know how long I lay there crying into her arms but I must have fallen asleep because I was so delirious I didn't even know.

I was attacking and killing someone. They lay sprawled out in front of me and I was stabbing them over and over again not even thinking just sink riptide deeply into there chest. Blood ran like water around me, I looked over at the face of there person I had killed and Annabeth looked back up at me, her eyes pleading. "Why Percy, I loved you why" she whispered then faded away.

"ANNABETH" I yelled woke with a jump. My back was against a slimy stone wall. I had my arms Intertwined with Annabeth. I looked at how perfect she was and  hugged her deeply, how could I ever leave this girl, she wasn't dead, the things they said weren't true and Annabeth was okay , I reassured but part of me still felt like what the voices had said was true and it was true I was everything they said and more but right now the only thing I cared about was never letting Annabeth go, how much more crap would we have to go through.

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