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"You can see the tree through the rain so we need to kill the monster while Lita gets through the boarder".

"NO IM NOT LEAVING YOU". Lita cried.

"You have to it the only way" I said.

I pulled off one of the Amazons hunting knifes and pressed the hilt in her hands.

"When you get over the boundaries, alert Chiron".

Lita didn't look happy but she turned and started running up the hill anyway.

"You ready wise girl" Percy brandished riptide.

"Only if you are seaweed brain". I pulled out Luke's knife and turned to face the chimera.

I stood up the road, it golden fur was grey from all the water. Percy and I charged with our weapons. The chimera came at us. It was close, I slid under it gut and tried the strike , when that didn't work and rolled out and dodged the scorpion barb.

Percy was dodging a plume of golden fire from it foul mouth, Percy controlled a jet of water and splashed it in its eyes. He ran up and struck its ugly face but the chimera swung its paw and clubbed Percy out of the way, he flew like a rag doll into the side of the road.

Weak spots, weak spot. I tried hard to remember. bellerophon had killed it by throwing a hunk of lead down it goats throat. This reincarnation didn't have a goat head but that meant we had to choke it, that was its weak spot.

I ran over to Percy who was sprawled in the puddles. The chimera was still rubbing water out of it beady black eyes.

"Percy we need to choke it, can you use water."

Percy Shakily got to his feet. He clutched at his side.

"I think I broke a rib but I can still try." I grabbed a golden hunk of ambrosia from a ziplock bag in my pocket. I put the square in his free hand and then turned to fight this hybrid kitten.

I needed to stall it. I ran around it , in a circle and jumped it tail. The chimera spun like an idiot. While it was spinning, I lunged and thrust my knife blade under its front leg in the arm pit. The creature howled and whipped around.

It claws rising to meet me, I jumped back but a burning sensation on my cheek meant that I hadn't gotten away free.

Percy ran in next to me, he was moving a bit slowly because of his ribs. We ran in. Both of us sparring it front. The monsters claws flying at us, trying to find flesh to rip into. The chimera turned . We dodged the scorpion tail, it dripping venom that sizzled in the pouring rain.


Another bolt of lighting deafening us, it was closer than before, the chimera saw this moment of weakness. I didn't pay attention. It's paw slashed out and caught me,sending me straight into Percy and then pinning us to the Wet Asphalt below.

Panic was overtaking my gut, Percy and I struggled. We were pinned on the road. The chimera gaping maw aboved is throat glowing as the fire charged up.

I found Percy's hand and gave it a long squeeze, if this was how we would die, let us die together.


a small voice screamed.

Lita stood on hillside. Her hands glowing red too.

The chimera turned it full attention to her. She , a small seven year old was facing up against a cat the size of a school bus.

The chimera hopped off Percy and me. I rolled out the moment it weight was on me. I went to stand but a sharp pain shot down my side. Three Puncture marks lined on my lower rip cage where the claw caught me.  My orange camp shirt was now turning red, I didn't matter, I ran to Percy.

I help him to his feet. We turned to see Lita staring down the chimera.

Her eyes like fire and her hunters blade glinting with red light.

"HOW DARE YOU HURT MU FRIENDS YOU OVER GROWN STRAY". She sent a stream of light from her palm into the chimera eyes, then you ran up and started slashing and clubbed into face with a volley of knife strikes.

The chimera smacked her back but she got up and stood in front of it. She was glowing with fury and strength.

Something in me wanted to intervene but something else held me back, and it wasn't Percy's weight because I was supporting him.

Lita waited. The chimera backed up and opened it mouth. I could see the fire forming in it throat, a fiery wave of hot death juice that was ready to be blasted,

Lita drew back her arm and with all her strength she threw her knife straight down the chimera throat.

The chimera gaged and the fire was swallowed back into its stomach, it started to smoke and choke on it own flames. In one last attempt the chimera ran straight at Lita. She side stepped and was knocked off her feet, we couldn't see what happened.

The chimera turned into dust with one last roar, a single knife left its into place and a Snakes fang.

Percy and I limped up the hill to Lita. She was standing but strangely.

"LITA YOU DID IT" Percy cried . Lita gave a small smiled but she stood looked strange.

"L-Lita are you okay?" I asked. She was eerily white and silent, all the fire dreamed from her eyes. She lifted her hand, right in the centre of her palm was a dark Wound that was sizzling with the scorpions venom.

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