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I let out a heavy sigh as we trudged along. The sky was cloudy, but it didn't look like rain. We had been walking on foot for a long time.

I had been given a mission that involved traveling to another hidden village that was far away from Konoha. The wind blew through my hair and caused me to cringe as it hit me in the face.

"I think that's far enough for today." Shikamaru glanced up at the sky then back at me, he had been the one I had been assigned the mission with. I nodded and placed my backpack under a nearby tree.

I took my water container and took a sip, "How much longer do we have to go?"

"Too much longer," Shikamaru sighed, laying on the ground and looking up at the sky. I suppressed a groan. He looked like he was drifting off and I couldn't blame him; I was getting sleepy myself.

We had been traveling for a few days now, and it seemed like this village wasn't getting any closer. I glanced down at Shikamaru and saw his chest rising and falling softly.

Shikamaru and I had been caught in a weird stage where we both knew we liked each other, but none of us had made a move quite yet. We had gone on many missions together and had spent a good amount of time together outside of the missions. It seemed like there was no good time for us to try and make any sort of move.

Another gust of wind blew and I shivered a little, maybe my prediction of no rain had been wrong. I moved closer to the tree trunk in hopes that it would shield me from any rain.

When the first few raindrops fell, Shikamaru opened up one eye and looked at the sky.

"Rain is such a drag." He mumbled as he got up and joined me under the tree. The rain began falling heavily then, and every once in awhile a drop or two fell from the leaves above us. I held my arms and shivered as a breeze blew through. Shikamaru looked over at me before taking a jacket out of his backpack.

He handed it over to me and I looked at it then back at him. He sighed, "I brought it in case we got caught in the rain, but here, you're clearly cold."

I slowly reached out and put it on. It was a little big on me, it covered my hands. I let out a short breath, it was a little warmer but not much.

"Thank you," I said, my cheeks heating up slightly. I met his eyes and saw he was blushing a little as well. I smiled a bit and leaned against the trunk of the tree. My eyes grew heavy and the sound of the rain pulled me into a sound sleep.

I awoke the next morning to the sun shining in my eyes. I squinted then felt myself leaning against something, turning my head slightly I realized I had fallen asleep on Shikamaru's shoulder.

I also realized he was leaning his head against mine, so I was careful not to move too much. He was snoring softly and I felt myself smile. We had moved closer together so that I was pressed into his side, his warmth radiated over to me.

I still wore his jacket which had provided more warmth than I thought it would. I knew we would have to wake up soon, but I didn't want this moment to end.


hey y'all here's another chapter I conceived
I feel like these are crappy but it's fine bc im having fun writing them

Naruto One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang